VII. Prometheus Bound

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"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop." - The King

"Get up."

Holden was standing over her, expressionless. A quick glance at the window showed that it was still dark out. He'd taken a set of clothing from her backpack and dropped it on the floor in front of her feet. He stepped back as she let her legs out from under the covers, touching down on the tile. She'd hoped it had all been a bad dream, but his voice, his face, his undeniable eyes had awoken her to terrible reality.

"You really shouldn't wake people up like that," she grumbled, rubbing her face. "It's super-creepy."

He blinked at her, either untouched by or uncomprehending her insult. She shook her head, and went to the bathroom to change.

She followed him to the cafeteria, noticing as he stopped along the way and picked a wild daisy that had grown through the gravel road. Inside, yawning mercenaries filled their stomachs with the hot, greasy-smelling food. Rather than line up with the others, Holden led her to a corner of the room where a portly cafeteria lady stood waiting.

The woman wiped a greasy strand of greying hair from a sweat-stained brow as they approached. When she saw Holden, her face lit up. She patted Holden's cheek and handed him his tray of food. He handed her the daisy, and she fawned over it, eyes twinkling as he moved on wordlessly. She then turned to Katia, crow's feet crinkling as she smiled. "You're Omega-two, aren't you?"

Katia bit her lip and nodded. She hated hearing that epithet.

"My name's Debbie. You come to me when you're hungry," Debbie instructed, handing Katia her breakfast. She nodded towards Holden. "He's been waiting for you his whole life, you know," she whispered loudly, perhaps not realizing that Holden could hear. She shook her head sadly, gazing at Holden, who was making an obvious effort to appear nonchalant. "He must be so happy you've finally showed up."

Katia had no idea what Debbie was doing in this camp. She seemed genuinely kind. But the nicest thing Katia could say in return was nothing at all.

After she'd forced down her breakfast, Holden stood up. "Come on."

Katia followed him across the compound. They were crossing the field when Jackson yelled out. "Omegas!"

Holden stopped and turned on his heel, marching obediently over to Jackson. Katia felt no choice but to follow. There were about eighty mercenaries standing at attention near the obstacle course. They all faced Dean King, who was busy talking with a group of five men. Jackson was standing off to the side, his arms across his chest.

She stopped when Holden stopped, and waited for Jackson's instruction.

Jackson waved his arm towards the mercenaries. "Omega-two will train with the recruits."

Holden paused. He seemed to be absorbing the information before carefully considering a response. "I didn't realize you planned on putting her through Training Week. I'm not sure it's necessary."

Jackson's face betrayed no opinion at Holden's remarks, but when he spoke, there was a testy edge to his words. "If it's unnecessary, then it shouldn't be difficult for her. Would you suggest something more challenging?"

"No sir," Holden shook his head. He paused again, and this time he seemed to deliberate. "Might I accompany her?"

This time, Jackson could not conceal his expression. His brow lifted, ever so slightly. "You would do Training Week over?"

Holden nodded. "I believe it would be best for us to train together."

Jackson almost smiled. "Then get in formation."

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