Chapter 2

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an: here's chapter two, please let me know what you think.

At home she let her self in her parents were both at work they worked third shift so they left while she was at practice everyday and got home just before she went to school in the morning. It was not very often that she got to spend time with them. She made up her social life between her grandparents and her friends from school. She punched the answering machine and listened to her grandparents wonder if she was till coming over for dinner the next night she put mental note out to call them later. The next call was from the phone company saying that they had gotten her payment but they were having some problems with her phone line and they needed to find a time to come buy and take a look at it. There was more message from her parents. They were working extra for the next few days so they wouldn't be home till after she left in the morning. She picked up the phone and punched in the number for the phone company.

"yes hello this is miss Helton I got you message."

"miss Helton thank you for calling us back. Were are not sure what the problem is when would be a good time to come out?"

"do you work evenings?"

"if it is a must."

"well I am home usually after five. I work before hand and there are day sleepers here. If it is something that doesn't require me or a lot of noise feel free to come any time other wise I would appreciate it If you could come after five."

" we should not need you assistance or noise. We'll stop bye around two tomorrow is that fine?"

"that's okay. thank you." she hung up and replaced the phone taking a bowl of fruit from the fridge she grabbed a fork and went to the living room. She turned the TV on to the GAC network and watched her country music videos. At nine she called her grandparents and told them she was coming for dinner. At ten she went to bed. The next morning she got up she showered and she went to school she had her usual round of classes. At lunch she sat with her friend Sara.

"so how was the extra practice yesterday?"

"it was fine but I think I need to practice more I kept messing up my lay up."

"you do know you'll never be perfect right?'

"no but I can certainly try I'm hoping coach will stay the rest of this week and help me."

"your nuts to want to have more practice."

"maybe but i think it's worth it." as lunch finished she went out side to call her mother she knew she would be just going to bed. "yello?"


"hey baby how's school going?"

"same old same old. I just wanted to let you know I am going to be staying after school for a while to practice."

"i thought you already were."

"well practice after practice I've been getting sloppy I want to get it together."

"okay but let us know if you need anything."

"okay I got to get to class."

"see you later pumpkin." Julie went to class and was very relieved when practice started later that day.

Dinner at her grandparents house was uneventful she helped fix dinner then after helped clean it up. Her grandparents asked about school and her basketball practice.

"it's going good I've been staying later I need some work on my shots. My coach has been helping me."

"oh really. That's nice of him."

"yeah he's a good guy." her grandparents exchanged a look.

"you know you could always come here and practice wit Jake form next door he loves basketball."

"thanks gram but he's a foot taller then me it wouldn't be a fair advantage."

"never the less you'd have to work for it 'd be good beside I don't lie the idea of you by yourself with a man."

"he's my coach gram. And he's old come on."

"age is not a factor. Just be careful."

"I will. Good night gram." she left laughing at her grandparents they were a cute couple and had interesting imaginations.

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