Chapter 24 - The Crater: Part 14

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Which way the miracle: within, without, or maybe all around?

Which way to here? – Look,

All meanings have amassed!

from the story of Duur of Amigail, Planet XO-7, the Hexor Galaxy, lower galactic ring

"It might help us to know ourselves," said Sla, "if we look within who we are and within who Íma is."

Uiio answered, "But Íma is a wholeness that comprises many song-lines. We can't be all of those."

"Maybe not," retorted Sla. "But maybe, in its answer, Íma mirrors our within, as Meknáni said. So let us think expansive thoughts that reach its own and explore the range of feelings that complete the picture. We've been using logic predominantly. Let us now weld it with emotion."

The group agreed.

"So let us feel," Meknáni said, and turned to Umbe and Maýla-i. "You're the feelings board. Your insights will be most useful, as will our own."

Umbe looked as though he was about to retort, but refrained from doing so, seeing Meknáni turn to the reasoning board.

"You've said something interesting just now, Sla," the way-maker said. "Think expansive thoughts. Can you explain what you meant by that?"

Sla searched for words. "Go beyond the level of thinking customary to our lines of song."

"Expand your personal power of reason into an overarching one," said Gre. "Be fluid enough in your thinking so that it may encompass even the unknown." It was meant as an explaining and an intuitive guidance all at once, seconding Meknáni as he made a way.

Umbe shuddered. "By that logic, I have to get in touch with the very paralysing pieces I've kept away from."

Sakna-Sa intervened. "The crater is benevolent. Commit to a gradual self inquiry, always sure that reason and emotion work best together, not apart. For fear to persist there must be something it can cling to, but look around: our team is always on your side, and on the side of each of us. Let us not hurry into action. The doorway comes when we are ready. We can warp time and space through illusion, but fail to reach it. Or we can examine our thoughts and emotions at ease while observing Íma's counterparts to those. That way, we'll find ourselves and be opened the way."

"Sounds logical and clear," Menior said.

They all agreed.

"So, now," Meknáni said, looking at Maýla-i encouragingly.

He knew that the "lighter" side of the spectrum of emotions – if their guess had been correct – was easier to deal with and that Umbe would find it easier to intervene along Maýla-i's line of song, and not theirs.

Maýla-i nodded. She drew a deep breath in and closed her eyes. Regrouping, she pondered, What do I feel? In what way is it alike what Íma feels? Were I to perceive its feelings as reflecting mine, what line of song would that be?

An image formed, and a perception of being trapped. It was a memory from long ago, when the whole village had been confined to the indoors for a whole week due to a prolonged meteor storm back in the Boor colony near the border. Earth quaking, wisps of dust permeating the underground, excavated city. Helplessness and hope divided by a thin line.

Eyes back open, Maýla-i looked around. Was Íma feeling the same way? She waited for a feeling of confirmation or for its opposite. Moments passed. No, Íma was not trapped within itself. No helplessness in their surroundings.

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