Chapter 7

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Tessa's POV:

I rolled over and curled up in a different position, but even though I was tired, I just couldn't fall back to sleep. Something just kept nagging at me...

My eyes flew open as my head shot up. I knew that feeling! My head swung towards the window, and I could instantly tell that the sun was just starting to rise. The very faintest beginnings of the sun's call had woken me up.

I wasn't going to miss it!

I clambered to my feet and saw that Aeria was sitting beside the end table, as if she had just been waiting for me. I took several steps towards her before pausing, turning my head to regard my still-sleeping brother. There was no way I was going to let him miss this!

I pounced on him while calling, "Wake up! The sun is about to rise. You must see it!"

He did not like being woken up, and he unhappily growled at me. I nipped the tip of his wing. "Come on! You must see it!"

"Go away. Let me sleep."

I batted him with my wing, and he tried to swat me with his hand, but I avoided his clumsy swipe.

I retorted, "No! Come see first! Then you can sleep all day!"

With a faint growl, he reluctantly gave in, knowing that I wasn't about to leave him alone. I turned and scrambled as fast as I could towards Aeria, who was waiting with her hands on the sand. Dirk took his sweet time lumbering over, looking confused as to why I was sitting on Aeria's hand.

"Sit on her hand. Hurry, or we'll miss it!"

He looked at me like I was losing my mind, but uneasily got onto her other hand. Aeria slowly stood up, and I held on tight – too eager to see the sun again to mind that I was so high up. Dirk wasn't expecting it and clung on tightly with shaking arms as his eyes went wide in fear and surprise.

This time, Aeria set us down on the wide window sill. I wasted no time in staring out the window. The sun was too bright to look at directly, but it was an amazing sight. Today, the sky only had a few tiny clouds that glowed pink and orange against the blue backdrop of the sky.

Dirk's voice sounded stunned. "Whoa..."

I looked at him in excitement. "See? It's the sun!"

He simply stared at the sunrise, beyond words. I turned back to the sun as its call got stronger, and I whistled eagerly, sensing that the dance should start soon. I couldn't wait! I spread my wings in anticipation, ready for the sun to show me the dance we would be doing today.

I still couldn't fly, but I had practiced lots yesterday, so I should be able to flap the entire time. It was going to be hard, but I was determined. I really wanted to dance for the sun.

The sun seemed to shimmer as the call suddenly got stronger. I trilled and started flapping my wings even as I saw Mom and Dad start their own dance. Dirk's wings started quivering; he could feel the sun's call, but wasn't quite sure what he was supposed to do yet.

He glanced at me a few times before also starting to flap his wings and try to sing. He really needed more practice in the singing area...

I shuffled to the side, giving him room to flap in his attempt to match the pattern and flow of the Morning Song.

I lost track of time as I focused on the Morning Song. My wings were trembling, and I was breathing hard, but the sun's call was fading. I had done it! I had flapped the whole time! Dirk was already laying down, too tired to keep trying, although he kept staring towards the sun as if he couldn't bear to look away.

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