Chapter 1

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Juliette's Pov

"Baby today i will have this photoshoot with this model from Brazil, i think her name is Deborah or something."

I tried not to act jealous and still play it cool. I do understand that she's everywhere now, but why did they have to set a photoshoot between her and Neymar? Just because they're coming from Brazil?

"Please don't be mad," He clung on my arms. "I promise i won't do anything, i swear by the old gods and new."

"You sounds like Ned Stark." I roll my eyes and sit on the counter.

Today i have to design the complete final look on the clothes that i'm working on, then sending it to the tailor. After that i will go to Bianca's hotel and spend my day with her. I don't want to be alone, especially when i'm feeling sick like this.

Neymar didn't know that i'm sick right now, if he knew about this then he will be judging me from my spicy foods addiction. He was gone in 30 minutes and i prepare to go to my office. The clothes are perfect and i can't wait to see them being wore by the models.

After i signed some cooperative contract, i feel a massive dizziness in my head. It feels like there are a lot of hammers falling down to your head, Barbara suggest me to go to the doctor and i follow her suggestion. Bianca meet me at the hospital and she looks worried.

"Am i okay?" I ask the doctor while massaging my own forehad. "This is not because of the spicy right?"

"Luckily yes, since when did the dizziness start strikking?"

"Two days ago maybe."

"She eats everything weird like pickles and marshmellow, is that even healthy?" I glare at Bianca for spilling my habit like weirdos.

"When was the last time you had your period?"

I don't really paying attention to my period circle and just realize that i haven't bleed since two months ago.

"I don't know," I shrug. I'm affraid if the doctor said that i was going to have a cancer or something.

"When was the last time that you have any sexual intercourse?"

"Not a long time ago, why?"

"You may lay down to the patients bed, let me check your stomach."

What's the relation between the dizzy that i have and checking on my stomach? Maybe i go to the wrong doctor here. Bianca's eyes are focusing on the screen beside the doctor, as she rub the gel to my stomach and place the device on it.

"What does that mean?" I point to the screen that showing a black and white sonogram.

"Congratulations Mrs. Santos," The doctor smile. "You're 10 weeks pregnant."

Bianca left her mouth hanging open and i can't believe it either. We used protection every time, except for the day after the wedding. The doctor explains me about the fetus and i don't know how to react right now. I didn't realize that a happy tears are starting to streaming down my face.

"Juliette! Oh my god you're pregnant!" Bianca shriek and she hug me as tightly as possible. "Oh god i'm sorry, am i hurting you?"

"No you don't," I laugh.

The doctors told us that my weird foods cravings and the dizziness are a part of the side effects. I don't feel nauseous like people in the movie are always like when they're preganant. I have to be back at this hospital next week to have a daily control and i must not do a lot of hard works by myself.

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