Tragedy Strikes - Chapter Eleven

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She could see the blue-eyed man coming through the house, nearly running after them as Dean shoved Carita into the back of his car, nearly getting crushed as Sam through Daryl on top of of her as the three man ran into the front of the car. But it was far too late for them to get any further than a half a mile down the road before they were caught, right in the middle of Bobby's driveway, Lafayette standing in front of their car with a sick smile painted onto his face and many black-eyed demons standing behind him. Carita could have told them that it was pointless to run, that she knew that there was no way for them to get out of it, she knew it. But Dean still tried to fight to get them out of the way of danger, trying with all of his might to keep Carita safe.

But Lafayette had no intentions of hurting any of them, well maybe besides Daryl, because all he wanted was Carita and if he got his way, then no one would get hurt; this Carita had already figured out by what happened the last time that she had not obeyed every little order that Lafayette had given to her. So as he made his way around the car and opened the door for Carita to get out, she smiled, even took the mans hand as he offered it to her, and got out of the car. She could hear that there was a wave of screamed and arguments coming from behind her in the car, but she just ignored it as she got out of the car.

" Good evening, my child." Lafayette said in a dark tone and an even darker smile.

" How are you tonight, my father?" Carita asked as she tried to play into the game.

" I am very well now that I have you, my dearest child. This meeting as been long awaited and I have so much planned for your little mortal life that you will enjoy. Now come, we have much to talk about, someplace. . . different." Lafayette said with a faint smile as he started to move the two of them away from the Impala, back towards Bobby's house.

" Mr. Singer, you would not mind if we used your house for a little, negotiating, would you?" Lafayette said as she looked into the car to see Bobby glaring at the two of them.

" Bite me." He hissed at Lafayette.

" Will later, Honey, right now though we need to talk." Lafayette gave Bobby a wink as he moved the girl back down the street and back up and into Bobby's house.

" Promise that if I go with you that you will not hurt them?" She asked half way down the walk.

" Oh, my dear daughter, I will not hurt a hair on their body." Lafayette said with a smile.

" I have heard that horrible line before." Carita hissed as she looked back at the car one last time and could see a plan already forming in Dean's eyes.

Carita could feel her stomach turning into knots as she thought of what was going to happen to her family, the people that she loved and cared about, back in the car. Looking around, it seemed like a different place from the home that she was getting used to being in. Everything seemed darker, eviler, and much cold than she had even felt it be before. The man dragged her into Bobby's study, made one of the only men that had followed them into the house pull her up a chair, and they both sat down and starred at one another. Lafayette looked like man that may have just turned thirty with skin as dark as the night that was outside, no hair at all on the top of his head, an eyes that would pierce right through you even without the blue part to it. Carita could feel herself almost shrinking into the chair with every second that ticked by.

" You do know that if they do not obey that they will be killed out there, do you not?" Lafayette asked with a smile on his face.

" I do know this and I also know that most of you men will die in the battle as well. Three of them being hunters and the other -"

" Is a demon that has a hit out on his beautiful little head for a million for the first person to bring it to me, a thousand more if it is on a golden platter because I mean I really hate silver, it is so much lesser of the person that you are bringing it to, am I right?" Lafayette asked as if they had known one another for a long period of time. " But anyways, yes most of them are most likely dead right now and very likely your little boyfriend was the last one to die. It's a shame really, I though that Daryl was the best at what he did for a living. With the whole hunter thing."

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