31. Why Did You Give Me The Hickey?

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Nathaniel's POV

When we were playing truth or dare, Pamela's dare made my heart skip a beat. I got so lost in her beautiful blue eyes that I wanted to wrap my hands around her, I won't lie, I wanted to kiss her..more importantly I wanted her.

And when she said the first letter of her crush's' name as 'D',to say I was angry was an understatement, I was livid. I gave her a hickey because I couldn't stand how smooth her skin was.

Who is this lucky D guy?

I've always made lonely journeys to my grandma's place but this time, I had company, which I always crave for. 

In short, she's irresistible.

I've never given Belinda a hickey before and I don't intend to so in the future. Kissing her 1000 times can't make up to giving Pamela just a hickey.

When I saw her name in my palm, my hatred for the Indian disappeared because I was glad.

Honestly, I beat up those fuckers because they were harassing Pamela and boiling my blood, not because I wanted to go home or anything.

I'm pretty sure my words didn't affect her because she already hates me, if so then why were her wonderful blue eyes red and puffy?

Why do I hurt her so much? Is it because of her fearful bravery towards me of  her first day?

Shut up!who do you think you are?!

I'm..I'm Pamela.

No one has ever been able to do that to me. She was scared but bravery was hidden in her.

But still, I could have shifted to Mackenna because she was even worse but the person I only targeted was Pamela.

How dare you march into my heart-

Oh how rude of you!

To ruin my miserable!

And tell me I'm beautiful

'Cause I wasn't looking for love, no

So all that I'm asking

Is that you handle me with caution

'Cause I don't give myself often

But I guess I'll try today;

She was singing this song in her beautiful voice in her drunken state. It was night time, grandma was asleep, Pamela had chugged down some rum she bought from the black Indian and now she was either drunk or tipsy.

"Heyyyy...you over there..why are you looking at me?" She slurred. I moved over to her and helped her stand on her feet.

"Why are you helping me? Don't you hate me?" She slurred again. She was wobbly so I had to carry her in a bridal way into the room.

"Hey everyone! Nathaniel is performing a miracle!" She giggled wrapping her arms around my neck. "He's helping me!" She gasped.

I laid her on the bed but she clutch to my shirt and dragged my face close to hers, making my normal heartbeat rapid.

My heart was beating fast because the spaces in between our lips could be closed with just a piece of paper and I was struggling hard not to look at her soft tempting pink lips.

"Why did you give me the hickey?" She asked me trailing her nose on mine

"Good night." I wished, pried of her hands and laid beside her making my back face her.
Later I felt her warm sweet breath fanning my ear and she rolled over me to my front, making me lay on my back.

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