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I walked outside. I could still feel the warm breeze. People wouldn't look at me and when I bumped into them, they wouldn't even feel it. While I always felt it and always expected a sorry alongside a hand to pull me back up, but always got nothing. I really was a ghost huh?

As a ghost, how many boobs can I touch without girls noticing? A LOT! not just a lot ALL THE ONES I WANT! Ahah, first step to having fun as a ghost, touch boobs. Or dicks. I mean, no homo but like, I never touched someone else's dick.

My naughty thoughts were interrupted by what I saw that left me shook. Next to Stan, Kyle and Cartman there was a person wearing my orange parka! It wasn't mine but it was just like the one I use!

"Yo, listen up, that's my style!" I looked to their eyes. They didn't reply. "Oh yeah, ghost and shit"

I looked at them, it was a cute boy, not that hot honestly. A plain t-shirt under the jacket and some jeans. So plain and boring. A very forgetful style, that's probably why I don't remember seeing him here. Actually, I never saw him before. Who is this?

The boys obviously looked a bit awkward, always looking at him and then whispering to each other. Until Cartman spoke up.

"Hey, who the fuck are you?"

He looked at Cartman surprised. He wasn't expecting anyone to talk to him.

"H-hi, I'm (F/n) (L/n)."

"Are you new here?" Stan asked confused by the little information this stranger gave them.

"No... I go to your school, we were in the same class in 2nd grade." He starts to get anxious and scratching his arm.

"How come I don't remember your boring face then?" Cartman got closer to him, causing some sweat to appear in the kid's forehead.

"I'm in a different class now"

"Okay, calm down Cartman." Kyle said pushing Cartman aside. He walked up to this anxious teenager and smiled. "Hi, hum... I'm Kyle"

"I know" he said very quietly. Kyle didn't hear but I did.

"We just want to know why you're suddenly here? We never saw you waiting for the bus before"

"Oh, well. There wasn't enough space on the bus until now. But the school informed me that there was a free seat. I don't know what happened to the kid who used to have it"

"THAT'S ME! THAT WAS MY SEAT! YOU STOLE MY STYLE AND NOW MY SEAT?!" I screamed once again to soon realise that no one could hear me.

"That was Kenny's seat. He's dead" Cartman said without any sadness or remorse, just like it was a normal thing to say. Thanks fatass.

"O-oh!" His voice started cracking "I'm-I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I-I" he looked down like he had just done the worst thing in the world. Poor dude, he doesn't know that my deaths aren't really that important.

"You know, he had a jacket just like that one" Stan said still not looking at my copy cat.

"Really? Oh... Oh, I can stop wearing it if you want me to" he started taking his jacket off but Cartman stopped him.

"Nah (Y/n) don't worry. You can be Kenny's replacement"

"What?" "EXCUSE ME?!" I screamed on top of him face to face with Cartman. I understood when they replaced me for Tweek, we know him, but a total stranger?! C'mon!

"Oh I don't know. I mean, everyone's their own person, and I don't think I can replace someone that easily"

"Nah, you'll do fine. Just walk with us and I don't know, act poor or something" Stan replied drinking from a water bottle that clearly didn't have water. I guess he hasn't stopped drinking since his 10th birthday. I would feel bad for him if he didn't have said that about me.

The bus arrived, they all got in and I stepped inside behind them. They all sat down and I stood up looking for a place to rest my buttcheeks on. Well, thanks to Mr.CopyCat McGee I didn't have anywhere to sit. I just layed on the floor, I was a ghost so it's not like I was going to get dirty. I noticed many disgusting things on the bus. Bubblegum wasn't the worst. There were condoms, USED! Some socks for some reason. There was also a bunch chips and leftovers even tho we weren't allowed to eat on the bus. I looked around more and bumped my head on (Y/n)'s shoes on accident. I looked at the boring sneakers he was wearing. (F/c) with white laces. And then I looked at his socks. It was the (sexuality) flag. The dude out here just exposing himself like that huh? I use the chance to look at everyone's socks out of boredom. Butters had the cutest socks with little bunnies jumping around saying "good morning".

The bus arrived and everyone left, on the way stepping on my body. I walked past the bus' wall and followed them. The copy cat was following them like it was his first time at a new school. He was so confused, he had no idea how he would replace me, a random guy that he probably never talked to before.

They entered the classroom and he hesitated saying "I'm sorry but I have to go to my class now"

Cartman didn't care though. He grabbed the boy's arm and pushed him inside. I sat on my usual table laughing as Cartman tried to convince the teacher that this random boy was me. The teacher was having none of it but she felt bad for the poor fatty assuming that he was missing his dead friend.

"Okay, look, I know it's hard losing a friend but you can't make a student pretend to be him"

Cartman put on his fake crying boy face and sobbed "b-but teacheeerrr. I really miss my friend Kenny, could Kenny 2 joins us until I get over my friend's death? Pleaaaseee?"

Kenny 2? Wow. I honestly don't know how to feel.

"I- actually-" Kenny 2 said nervously

"Please teacheeeeerrrr"

The teacher sighed "okay Eric. But just this week"

Cartman jumped to his place with happiness. I guess he really wanted someone to make fun of that bad. (Y/n) walked awkwardly to my seat and before I could do anything he sat on me. It wasn't on me, it was more like, through me. I felt his body on mine and, it was so weird I don't know how to explain! I got up immediately and looked at him embarrassed.

"HEY! LOOK WHERE YOU'RE SITTING!" I felt my cheeks getting hotter by the second. The boy didn't do anything wrong tho, I couldn't blame him, he literally couldn't have known that he just sat on my dick like it was nothing. The worst part is that I could feel him. I could feel his body sitting on me. A terrible feeling if you ask me. Class started and I just sat on top of some bookcases in the back of the class.

Class was boring as always

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