Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty:

"I'm currently regretting all my life decisions," Bryce mumbles, placing his bag in the compartment underneath the bus before following me up the steps.

The past week and a half haven't been at all eventful. Classes are getting more and more stressful, or so it seems, and I've resorted to letting Bryce essentially tutor me as far as math goes in hopes of keeping my grade above ninety-three. He's an excellent teacher, and it's been nice having an excuse to spend time together outside of school.

I'm learning that Mateo and Bryce will never be able to get along despite all of my efforts, but Mateo and I are now back to normal. Now that we're on the same page about our feelings for one another, we're totally capable of having a strictly platonic relationship now, no complications.

"I can't believe you managed to convince me to come on this damn trip. I could be asleep at home right now," Bryce huffs, and I turn around to quickly nudge his arm, not wanting to hold up the line of students waiting to file onto this bus.

Bryce was at first disgusted by the idea of spending four hours on a bus with some of the kids at our school, but after much convincing and a little bit of help from his dad too, I managed to get Bryce to come along.

"We both know that you wouldn't be sleeping," I comment, and Bryce rolls his eyes.

We've reached the back of the bus now, and we decide to claim the two seats behind where Jasmine and Jordan are already sitting.

How they've already gotten onto the bus is beyond me, but I'm just grateful that we all ended up on the same bus out of the many that people were sorted onto.

"Can you take the window seat? I need more leg room," Bryce asks me, and I laugh a little, nodding to him before climbing into my chair, setting my backpack down in between my legs.

"Sure, Mr. 'I'm 6'4 but I'm not that tall'," I giggle, and Bryce sighs, sitting down next to me before leaning down to kiss me on the cheek.

"You guys are so cute," Jasmine comments from behind us, and I hear Jordan whisper something in her ear that I can't quite make out.

It seems to shut her up though, because she doesn't say anything more, even as I lean against Bryce, resting my head against his shoulder.

"Tired?" he asks me, and I nod, yawning on accident.

I guess it proves my point because he laughs a little, wrapping his arms around my shoulder and pulling me tighter.

"Thank you for coming," I whisper to him, and I see him smile out of the corner of my eye.

He nods to me. "No problem," he responds, and I allow myself to shut my eyes, tuning out the bustle around us as the bus fills up with students.

I don't bother paying attention as one of the history teachers lectures us from the front of the bus, and neither does Bryce as he spends the time braiding my hair between his fingers.

Something suddenly catches Bryce's eye, because he looks up from me and down the bus' aisle. He gives someone a small wave, and when I follow his eyes to see where he's looking, I see Camila with a smile on her face.

"Are you two best friends now or something?" I question, unable to his the bitterness from my tone.

Bryce's eyebrows lift in surprise, and he pulls away from me so that he can actually look me in the eye. This forces me to sit up in my seat, leaning my back against the window now that Bryce's isn't an option.

"No. Why do you care, anyway? First it was the whole thing with Scarlett a couple weeks ago, and now this?" Bryce questions, crossing his arms across his chest.

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