Chapter 36: Leader

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Location: Obscurity Forest, Night Kingdom

With Princeton's return to the forest, there was much commotion happening around the kingdom. Everyone was quite excited to meet the new king. Though many had heard rumors of him they didn't think much since they had already been used to Naevas rumors. Many still preferred the next king to be Frederick a many made small groups in various town that tried to send support and encouragement to him. As for Lucius, he was a favor to rule by the nobles since he worked closely to them with his designs.

Princeton was getting settled down in the castle just realizing exactly how big the place really compared to the Well's estate. The coronation ceremony was getting closer with the passing of time and Frederick along with Priscilla's helped on working on the preparation. Despite Frederick asking Priscilla to no worry about she still insisted a having more work pilling on he had no choice but to accept her help. Lucius spent most of his time with Sitara showing her around the forest and introducing the various creature to her.

Princeton and Cynthia were going around meetings the squadron in the units a well as the castle staff. In comparison to how Naeva had introduced herself, Princeton had been more distant since he was well aware that many of the castle staff highly disliked him allowing the floating rumors to overtake their thoughts of him. Cynthia seemed to be very well liked due to the approachable personality she had. "Why don't you smile more?" Cynthia asked as they made their way to the kitchen to meet the kitchen staff. "What's the point my smile won't change their thoughts on me, it's been like that since I was born," Princeton answered holding her hand. "You won't know, maybe they'll see they were wrong all along," Cynthia responded.

"You see the world simply, you'll see it's not so easy to change people with a smile" Princeton answered. "Perhaps not just a smile but a small gesture of kindness," Cynthia added. They arrived at the kitchen guided by Ingrid and a few castle guards for precaution. As they entered the people immediately turned towards him and bowed, whispers flooded the room. "Those of you who speak under their breath, I ask you speak louder, please. I am the subject of those whispers why to impede me from knowing what you are saying of me when I will eventually find out anyway," Princeton said glaring toward the workers he had heard speak. The room grew quiet and their heads lowered. "Has your conversation suddenly disappeared?" Princeton asked. "No, your highness. We were just speaking of how much you've grown since any of the senior staff last saw you," a lady said stepping forward.

"I see, so you worked here while my mother reigned?" He asked. "Yes, your majesty" she responded quickly glancing at Cynthia. "Then I expect your loyalty to the kingdom to be quite strong," Princeton continued and the lady gave another bow. They left the kitchen and headed upstairs to the library. "Sir, will you going around to other units today, you did only go to two of the seven so far," Ingrid said. " No, not today. I've had about enough interactions with others for the day, say Ingrid you've been here for a while and was considered my mother right hand tell me, honestly what the people think of me that have met me." Princeton asked. "Ones that have met you, very few... What I have heard most of is that you're the strong leader the Night Kingdom needs, of course there are some staff like a few in the kitchen who think your to arrogant, and like your brothers your fan base is slowly growing within the single ladies in the kingdom, So, Cynthia, I suggest you show those girls he's yours" Ingrid said making Cynthia chuckled. "Anything new report to me, I want Frederick to take it easy it is my work after all," Princeton said. "Yes sir, I'll let my men know," Ingrid said saluting.

"Psy! Are you done with the tour so early in the day?" Lucius asked approaching him. "I gotta spoil Cynthia a bit too you know," Princeton said glancing over at Cynthia. "We were going to take a walk to the river nearby, Princeton said you guys went their often as children so I wanted to see it," Cynthia said smiling. "... Ah~ you're going sightseeing. I would ask to go with but we just got back from there and Sitara is quite tired," Lucius answered holding Sitaras hand. "Cynthia right? Um, Priscilla and I are going to Libero later if you'd like to join, it's for an event Nellie is hosting there." Sitara mentioned once Princeton heard the name he grabbed Cynthia's hand tighter. "She can't go," Princeton said firmly. "Princeton, please don't make these decisions for me," Cynthia said looking up at him.

"Oh, come on Psy. Aunty Nellie is no big threat the most she can do is probably a wack with her cane," Lucius said. "... Fine, but if that lady does anything to you tell me right away." Princeton said. "Don't worry, dear." Cynthia answered. "Are you going?" Princeton asked Lucius. "No, it's a women's social, Though I have received an extended invitation... In other news, I was thinking we can have some tea later with Ric to catch up on things." Lucius said. "Tea? Lu seriously tea? How about some wine instead?" Princeton suggested. "Oh, I suppose that works too." Lucius responded. "Don't tell me you were planning on bringing some crochet needles too," Princeton laughed. "You crochet too?" Lucius asked.

"...No, Lu nevermind." Princeton answered leaving Lucius a bit confused. "You should teach me sometime Lucius," Cynthia said. "Of course I'm actually teaching Priscilla and Sitara so it'll be perfect," Lucius answered. "Lovely then" Cynthia answered. "Well Cynthia and I'll get going," Princeton said as they began to walk towards the door. "Yup, I'll tell Ric about the tea... I mean wine," Lucius said waving. They walked down to the river and as they arrived he heard someone nearby. Members from the squadron approached them "King Princeton right?" one asked. "That's right," Princeton said with Cynthia behind him. "Commander Russo said we would find you here," another said. "You guys were looking for me? Gentleman, I'm not available right now." Princeton said.

"Of course we know that sir, it's an invitation for later. Join as for drinks later it'll be easier to meet the squadron that way," the man suggested. "Very well then, midnight alright for you guys I have prior plans beforehand," Princeton added. "Our time is your time sir," the man answered and bowed. "Good, now please leave me," Princeton said as the men left. "Everyone is the squadron seems tough don't they?" Cynthia said still hiding behind him. "Haha, but don't worry I won't let them near you," Princeton said turning towards her. "I'm not scared... they're just little intimidating," Cynthia said. "And I'm not?" Princeton asked. "A little bit but I know you won't hurt me," Cynthia replied with a smile.

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