Inked (Tattoo!Bucky x Reader Modern AU)

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"I don't think I can do this..." No way were you gonna be able to hide the nervousness in your voice, especially not from your best friend.

"Come on, (Y/N). You've been talking about getting a tattoo for ages, now is the time! I promised you a birthday surprise and this is it. I'm paying for the tattoo AND I'm here for moral support, you can totally do this." Nat was practically dragging you down the street as you began to feel more and more anxious about what was about to happen.

Before you had time to protest again she had yanked you inside a small tattoo shop. The first thing you noticed was how bright it was. You heard classic rock pumping out of some speakers off to the side but it did little to distract you from the constant buzzing sound that in your head seemed to be getting louder and louder with each passing second. Glancing around you saw several people with varying degrees of ink on display, both giving and receiving tattoos and having multiple conversations. The buzzing sound was getting louder and you felt your chest tightening, it was getting harder and harder to catch your breath. Just before you turned and shot out the door you had the vague sense of someone asking Nat if you were okay.

You slumped down just out of sight around the corner of the building in a dim alleyway, eyes shut tight, attempting to regulate your breathing. You focused on the feel of the bricks digging into your back, the sound of traffic passing by, the smell of the bakery next door. "(Y/N)?" You felt Nat squat down next to you and place a reassuring hand on your shoulder.

Tears began to prick behind your eyelids. "I'm so sorry..." you groaned in frustration. "I'm such an idiot. I can't believe I embarrassed myself and you in front of all those people."

"Oh sweetie, it's fine. I'm sure most of them didn't even notice and the guy I was talking to said this sort of thing happens all the time." She leans in to hug you. "I'm the one who should be sorry for pushing you when you clearly weren't ready. Just promise me that you won't give up on the idea? I know when you're ready you're going to be so glad you did it."

You opened your eyes and pulled back to give her a watery smile. "Alright, I won't totally abandon the idea."

"Good," Nat smiled back. "Now, how about we take that tattoo money and spend it on margaritas and pedicures?"


You attempted to blow a stray lock of hair out of your eyes as you struggled through the lobby door of your new apartment building. Most of the move had happened over your birthday weekend but a few boxes still lingered at your old place. Thankfully, you were currently holding the last box, the one that made it official.

You looked up to see the elevator doors beginning to close. "Noooo! No, no, no, no, no," you chanted to yourself as you shuffled quickly towards the elevator. At the last possible second a hand stuck out to grab the door, pulling it back open and you hurried inside.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much," you blurted in a rush, adjusting your hold on the box.

"Sure thing," a gorgeous male voice drawled out next to you. "Need any help with that?"

"Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that..."

"Really, it's no trouble," said your elevator savior as he lifted the box right out of your hands.

"Thank you," you blushed slightly glancing his way hoping he didn't see but his face was mostly hidden by the contents of the box. You went to press the button for your floor only to find it already lit up. "Oh, we must live on the same floor!"

"Well, that'll make delivering this box even more convenient," your mystery man said. "I'm in 4b. You?"

"4a. I just moved in last weekend."

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