21) The First Clues

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From sea level, the island looked nothing like a scallop shell.  All Jack could see were monstrous cliffs and thousands of razor-sharp rocks.  It seemed like the entire island was fringed by these protruding canines, which reminded Jack of a shark’s mouth wide open and ready to bite.

            Clyde directed the boat to the opposite side of the island.  It seemed to be at least four miles long.  Finally, they spotted an opening between the treacherous rocks.  “We’ll anchor in the bay,” Clyde said.

            Jack got a glimpse of Clyde’s map just before he was hustled over to Hayley, his arms pinned behind his back.  From the map’s perspective, the island was obviously shaped like a scallop shell, but its other features were uncharted.

            “What do we do now?” Hayley asked in a low whisper.

            “We wait,” Jack said.  He squinted through the bright sunlight at the looming island in front of them.  All he could see were rocks, glittering white sand, dense jungle, and towering cliffs.

            Well, he thought, if there was one perfect place to bury pirates’ treasure, this would be it.  The entire island screamed ‘mysterious.’  There was an air of anticipation about it.  The landmass seemed to be shrouded in deceptive beauty.

            A few men were left onboard with instructions to radio Clyde in 5 days.  The rest went with Clyde, Jack, and Hayley to the island.  It was a smooth ride to the bay, and once onshore, Jack thought he had never felt sand so soft.  He gazed left and right, wondering how a place could look so raw and untouched.  At the same time, the island seemed to be alive with energy.  Jack knew this was it.  Every cell in his body told him the treasure was here.

            Clyde could sense it as well.  His eyes flickered everywhere, probing the lush foliage and sandstone cliffs as if, somehow, the treasure was in plain sight.  “All right,” he said, “we made it.  Where to now?”

            Jack and Hayley glanced at each other.  She looked afraid and confused.  Jack wished he could comfort those pleading green eyes.  “Ready?” he whispered.

            She nodded.  “Untie us,” Jack demanded.

            Clyde rolled his eyes, but motioned for his men to undo the ropes.  As soon as their hands were free, Jack took Hayley’s hand in his, and they closed their eyes.

            The effect was instantaneous.  Rather than seeing a jumble of words and symbols, the shape of a triangle emerged in their minds.  Hayley gasped and let go of Jack’s hand.  “It’s in French!” she exclaimed.

            “I’m not sure if I saw all of the word,” Jack said, opening his eyes.  “I saw a triangle, and then R-I-V-I-something.  It could be French.”

            “That’s all?” Clyde frowned.  “Did you see any landmarks?”

            They shook their heads, causing Clyde to curse.  “Whatever you just did, do it again,” he demanded.

            They obeyed.  This time, Jack was able to see the entire word: rivière.  Hayley said her word was argentée.  Everyone automatically looked around the group, wondering who was able to translate.

            “Fantastic,” Clyde said.  “Nobody knows French, and yet our only clues leading to the map happen to be in French.”

            Jack knew things were going to get ugly unless they made some more progress.  Despite his mild fear, he was excited.  He had never spoken French in his life, and yet here was some strange French word, embedded in his mind.

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