Chapter 3

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The fae world is much like the human world I am use to.  Animals plants and trees are slightly different as are the species that reside here.

Each night I search for signs that may give an idea as to what has happened to the humans.

Frost tells me the druids believe the Wicked Unseelie have escaped the prison.  A prison that the Queen of the fae created herself long ago.

Frost believes they must find a chosen to close the gates the again.  He has asked me to search and either destroyed or return any Wicked Unseelie I find.  So far the ones I have found will not return to the prison.  I find by the time I finish " convincing" them they are but dust in the wind.

I don't have time to baby them and usually a fight results.  I have become a remarkable swordsman in my 800 years.  They don't last long when they choose to fight instead of returning to the prison.

My lip curls at the thought.  I am in my room preparing to leave for the night again.  A few days have passed since my human came here.  I have not yet introduced myself to her, but I do watch her from the shadows.  She seems to be a kind creature, gentle yet wary of danger.

As she should be, I smirked as I strap iron blade swords or daggers as you would call them to my thighs.  I tucked my broadsword into a sheath I wore my back.  I was dressed completely in black.  Pants, boots, and a shirt  with a harness for the sword sheath covered me.  I am walking death.

I grinned at my reflection.  Yes, reflection, I am fae too.

I close my eyes and searched for the last spot I'd killed one of those filthy Unseelie.Ah, there were more there.  Even from this distance I could sense them.  I misted and reappeared above them in a tree.  Carefully I wrapped the shadows and glamour about me.  Being Wicked Unseelie and made of shadows and nightmares themselves, they could see me if they looked.  They were never smart enough to look though.

A huge ogre was standing guard as a tall, thin cloaked creature and several red caps searched the area.  They lingered on the blackened area that my iron blade had scorched as I killed here last.  A death blow to the chest would kill anyone, but an iron blade, well let's say not much saves you from that.  My lips lifted in a smile at thought.

The tall, thin creature's head snapped up in a began to chant.

My arms refused to move and I feel my glamour and shadows fall.  My balance gives out as I continued to stiffen, falling from the tree to land at its feet.

" What have we here" it croaked.  It's a voice rough with a hissing quality.  It lowered it's hidden face towards me and sniffed.

What the hell?  I thought trying to recoil  from the smell but I couldn't move.

"A vampire fae.  Interesting, let's see what else you know." It began to lean closer.  It's shadowed face was pale and its eyes were empty black pools.  I could feel it slither into my mind.  Thoughts and images flew by my mind's eye as I tried to use my power to stop it.  Nothing worked only searing pain as the creature continued to rifle through my mind.

"Ah, what this?" It spoke seemingly to itself as a picture of Frost appeared in my mind.

"Yes, you will be useful." It spoke its mind grasp weakening as it left my mind.

" You will kill the one I show you, in return I will allow you a favor.  Speak."

" Don't do this!" I ground out.  I could not do what ever this thing wanted.

"You will!  Since you have not asked I will think of something.Hmm...  What does a vampire need?" It mused.

"Ah, yes, blood.  Along with killing this one, you will only be able to drink from the willing mate of your own."

" I have no need for a mate." I spoke angrily.  "Do you know nothing?  Vampires cannot sustain each other." I scoffed .

"Ah, but this is my favor to you.  Your mate will do this for you.  She will meet all your needs.  Now, go do as I bid, you have until the full moon to find your mate or you'll go mad with blood lust.  Either way it works for me." It snapped its fingers and I disappeared.

DARKNESS ~ Book Two in the Fae Seriesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें