Chapter Forty Eight: Stick to the Plan

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"done." Candace said after tying my mask for me,
"what do you think?" she asked turning me around so i face the mirror,
i gasped at how perfectly she had helped me get ready for this.

she gave me an off shoulder long sleeved black dress,she had chosen the perfect style to hide my burn scar,the dress was long and lacy,it had a slit and a little bit of train as well,it was perfectly chosen to hide any scar that could give me away,the whole point of this masquerade ball was to be able to take Edward down while hiding in plain sight.

she styled my hair in a messy braid,no crazy wild styles that could loosen the mask,and my hair being a darker almost black shade of brown only added to the all-black look.
in fact the only color in this entire outfit were my lips because they were red.
EVERYTHING even the eye shadow,and accessories were black.

"its amazing Candace,Thank you." i gave her a tight embrace for helping me since i had left everything home.
"you're more than welcome Irene,this is the least i could do for everything Everything you had done for Ivan and this fucked up family." she returned the hug and pat my back,
"stay alert,keep your gun with you,and if anything goes wrong,try to find a way out,don't try to help anyone,Ivan will handle it okay? please be careful.."

"don't worry Candace,i planned everything carefully,i'm sure nothing will go wrong if everyone sticks to the plan." i tried to calm her down since she looked a little nervous,she obviously couldn't come with us since that would be dangerous for her and the baby,

plus even if Xavier had agreed to let her come which could've never happened because he was too scared to risk her life,Candace had been involved in a lot of dangerous missions,she was one of the best at handling these types of situations but now that shes pregnant everyone opposed the idea of letting her come even if she wasn't going to get involved,but STILL even if she had came it wouldn't be effective to try and hide her since her bump is already showing.

she took my hand and we both sat on the bed,she kept my hand between both of hers and took a deep breath,
"i know how you've been suffering,ever since i got to know you,but you are a strong woman,and i'm sure you will be able to do this and get rid of Edward once and for all," she gave me a sad smile and a continued,

"ever since you lost your baby,you just had an even softer spot in my heart because i can't imagine what could've happened to me if that ever happened to me,but you went through it as if nothing happened and i look up to you for being such a strong and mature person,and i'm sure i'd love having you around to meet my baby." she put my hand on her bump and gave me an even warmer smile.

"i appreciate knowing that i'm welcome here..." i chuckled happily knowing that at least i'm doing something right,but being so close to her baby like this made me emotional myself,
i wish that awful thing didn't happen to me,but still i learned something from it,and grew more as a person. But before she could talk again,we both heard someone knock on the door;

"i don't want to interrupt what you ladies are doing but may i come in?" William asked standing at the door,
"yes sure come in," she answered,
he opened the door and he came in,Ivan, Eric, Xavier followed in as well. 
all of them were already dressed and ready for the event,i took my hand back and sat still on the bed not bothered,

"I hope that everyone remembers the plan well,because it's really sensitive and any small wrong move could result in big consequences,Edwards security is well alert and won't budge easily. So make sure to get rid of anything that could give you away." William explained again for the final time.

"Irene,If anything goes wrong,forget about us all and run for your life,don't stay for anyone. Not Me,Xavier,Eric or even Ivan,Run and leave,we can all fight and take care of ourselves."

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