Part 1

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Radhika kept photographs on the table. you have to take a decision.You have to choose someone from these girls.
Ruhaan:For God's sake leave me dadi.You know very well that I am not interested in marriage.I don't believe in the institution of marriage.You know that my parents had a loveless marriage till they left this world.
Radhika:But it's not necessary that your marriage will also be like that.You need to get married.You should not be alone when I leave. will have a long life time.You are not going to leave.Ok?
Radhika:Ruhaan...this can't be done.You have to choose one.
Ruhaan looked at the photographs.Then he tore all of them.
Radhika:Ruhaan..what did you do?
Ruhaan:No one is as pretty as you dadi.Then how can I choose one among them?
Ruhaan smirked and turned back to leave.
Radhika:Ruhaan..there is something which you don't know.The reason why I am forcing you to get married.
Ruhaan looked at her.
Dadi:According to your dadaji's will,if you don't get married before 25,all the properties will go to the charity home.Only this house will remain for you.Do you want that?Tell me.
Ruhaan was shocked:What?How can dadaji do that to me?

Dadi:I don't know.But remember ..your bachelor life will make you lose everything.Do you want that to happen?

Ruhaan was in complete shock.

Ruhaan was going crazy thinking of the will.
Ruhaan:Why should I worry?It's just a marriage.I just have to bear some hours of wedding ceremony torture.After marriage ..I can divorce her.Cool idea.

Ruhaan went near Radhika.
Ruhaan:I have taken a decision dadi.I will get married.

Radhika was very happy.
Radhika:I am so happy beta.Finally you took a good decision.But one thing.If you think that you can divorce her after marriage by acquiring all the properties it won't happen.According to the will at least for a year you have to stay with your wife.
Ruhaan:What the hell!But how did you understand that I was thinking of divorce?
Radhika:Because I know your character very well.
Ruhaan was embarrassed.
Ruhaan thought:Even divorce is not possible.Then what will I do?Only for one year.After that I can divorce her.For property I can bear her for one year.What if my so called wife stays here?It hardly matters to me as I will not have any kind of relationship with her.
Radhika:What are you thinking Ruhaan?Are you not thinking of some other crooked plans?

Ruhaan:No dadi.It's ok.I will not divorce her.
Radhika smiled thinking:I know that you are thinking of divorcing her after a year.But it won't happen.Because I will choose only a traditional cultured beautiful village girl with a soft nature who can tolerate Ruhaan with patience.So my Ruhaan will not even think of divorcing her.He will fall in love with her.

Through a marriage bureau Radhika found a girl from a village.

Radhika took Ruhaan to the village.Seeing the village he felt disgusting.
Ruhaan:This place is so yuck.Dadi...why did'nt you choose someone from city?I hate villages and illiterate villagers.I am sure that the girl will be extra traditional.
Radhika:Don't say like that Ruhaan.Villagers are very good at heart.Very loving too.I already met the girl and her father.She is the only daughter.I liked her very much.She will make an ideal daughter in law and a perfect wife.Her name is Pari.She is beautiful just like her name hints.A traditional beauty.
Ruhaan thought:Cool down.Whether the girl is traditional or modern how does it matter to me?
I just need a name sake wife.

They reached the girl's house.The girl's father Maninder who is a very simple typical village man welcomed them.
Radhika:Now let the boy and the girl talk.
Ruhaan was irritated.
Ruhaan:No need.
Radhika realized that he was not interested to even meet the girl.
She put a fake smile on her face:He is very shy.That's why.
He laughed.
Ruhaan was irritated.
Radhika:No need to be shy.You go inside and talk to her.
Without no option Ruhaan agreed to go to Pari's room.He entered her room.She saw a girl in ghagra facing the window.

Ruhaan thought:Oh my goodness!She has no fashion sense.Pathetic dressing.Who wears ghagra these days?Typical village girl.

Ruhaan coughed to seek her attention.She did not turn back.
He thought:Like any village girl guess she is also too shy to look at men.
Ruhaan:Ok..I understand your mental state.You are nervous.Right?It's ok.Actually I have nothing else to talk.Anyways our marriage is fixed.So I am willing to face the situaton.After all to gain something we need to lose something and make adjustments.Ok..bye...
Ruhaan left the room.
Pari thought:What is this guy talking?He is so strange.

Radhika:Ruhaan..did you talk to Pari?
Ruhaan:Yes dadi.
Radhika:You liked her,Right?

Ruhaan faked a smile:Like you said she is a real fairy like her name says.
Radhika and Maninder smiled.
Ruhaan said in her foot.I did'nt even see her face.But I have no problem.Who cares about her looks.
Maninder went inside and came back.
Maninder:She is shy to come outside.

Radhika smiled.
Maninder:But she said she is ready to marry Ruhaan.She left everything to me.Because she knows that I take the best decisions for her.
Ruhaan thought:Pari did not even look at my face.Still she agreed to marry me because of her blind trust in her father.But the father and daughter are taking the worst decision of their life.
Radhika was very happy:This is such a happy news.We will call the panditji to fix the right day for the wedding.
Maninder:Yes..we will.
Ruhaan was least bothered about it.

They fixed a date for the wedding.As Ruhaan was adamant about a simple wedding,they decided to go for a straight away wedding.
Finally the wedding day arrived.
Ruhaan sat on the wedding.Pari who was dressed as a bride sat besides him.
Ruhaan looked at her.Her face was veiled.

He said in his mind:These villagers are so narrow minded.On the wedding also see how she covers her face.

Anyways..who cares?
Finally Ruhaan married Pari following the rituals.

Ruhaan entered his bedroom.He was irritated to see his bedroom decorated with flowers.
Ruhaan thought:This dadi knows that I am not interested in this.Then why is she making arrangements for my first night?
He saw Pari sitting there with her veiled face.He moved closer to her.

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