Just visiting

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The next morning we both went down the stairs and got breakfast, 2 minutes after we finished, Michelle's mum and dad came down.

"Who's this?" Her dad said shaking my hand.

"Lola, she stayed the night" she told him, with her eyes glued to the TV.

"Are you remembering that you have school today?" Her mother said to her.

"Shit" she shouted, I've never heard her swear before, I never swear because if I do I'll be grounded for like a month, even though I'm 19. Guessing her mum and dad are different.

"Well you guys better go and get ready" her mum said.

Thank god I brought clothes to change into for the morning.

Michelle took us both to school in her car, I still always looked out for Jason's truck, but it wasn't there.

We both met up with Dylan and Mike before entering the school.

Nothing really happened in school as per usual, but Mike kept acting strange around me like flirting.

I asked Michelle if she would give me a lift to my house, and just when I got in the car I saw Mike walk past and he winked at me. 'What the hell is going on' I though.

She drove me home but went right past my house.

"Where are we going? I asked her watching my house fading in the distance.

"Jason's" she said speeding ahead. What's up with everyone around here breaking the spread limit.

She pulled up outside this old looking house.

"That's us, I'll wait here" she said.

I looked at her then left the car. I thought he would have a better looking house, but I'm not that bothered all I wanted to do was look him in the eyes again.

I walked up the mossy stone path that lead me to his old dark wood door. I looked back at Michelle,but she was on her phone talking to Dylan probably. I took a deep breath and knocked.

A lady answered the door she had one eye blue and the other was green.

"Can I help you?" She asked in a crocked voice.

"Yeh I'm a friend of Jason is he home?" I told her.

"No he's at the hospital with his sister" she said.

"Is everything okay?" I said worriedly.

"Yes, can I leave a message?" I think she was wanting to get rid of me, he probably didn't tell her who I was.

I saw his silver truck in the drive to the right of me.

"When will he be back?" I asked her still looking at the truck.

"I don't know but sometime tonight" she said closing the door.

I walked back to Michelle's car and got in.

"So..." She asked still on her phone texting someone.

"He's at the hospital" I told her.

"Do you want me to drive you there" she said looking at me this time.

"No, it's fine" I told her, "just drop me of at my house".

"Okay" she started driving.


Hey guys, sorry it's a short one.

It was hard to do this chapter because I had so much stuff going on.

Keep reading, Cara❤️

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