Chapter Fifteen

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Jacob rubs his eyes leaving his bedroom, the sound of his father's laughter echoing through the house, he frowns, his father doesn't laugh, he turns to enter the kitchen and pauses, Catherine and Billy sit together at the dining table, both smiling and laughing, Jacob can't help but smile back watching them. His girlfriend the vampire and his father are happy around one another. Billy looks to him and smiles, nods, he approves of the vampire girlfriend, Jacob smiles and heads into the room, Catherine smiles looking up at him, he leans closer and kisses her. She's actually been staying a lot with him, on the reservation, in his bed, spends the night wrapped up in his arms.

"Morning" he greets.

"Morning" she greets back as he strokes her hair. "I have to go home," she tells him. "Rose text, said it was important plus...I kind of need to get fresh clothes" she teases, he looks to her shirt and realizes it's one of his.

"You could just go around naked" he offers. "I wouldn't mind"

"I would" Billy adds, Catherine and Jacob both chuckle.

"Don't worry" Catherine tells him. "I'll spare you that image" she stands and grabs her jacket. "Later?" she asks Jacob. He nods, smiles and kisses her again.

"I'll see you later," he tells her softly, she smiles and nods. "I'll go pop in on the pack," Jacob tells her. "Text me"

"I will" Catherine offers as she pulls on her jacket, she smiles. "I love you," she tells him, he smiles, all dopey like.

"I love you too," he tells her, she kisses his cheek and then leaves, Jacob sighs softly, Billy shakes his head amused.

"Who knew you'd be so happy with a vampire" Billy teases, Jacob looks to him.

"You were laughing with her" Jacob points out, Billy nods.

"She's not a bad girl, Jake" he offers. "Something bad happened to her a long time ago, that made her into something we should fear and hate......" Jacob looks down. "And yet she is still the sweetest girl....woman I have ever met" Jacob smiles and nods.

"Alright, I'll be back later," he tells his Dad who smiles and waves him away.


Jacob sits on his bed as the sun sets waiting for Catherine. She'd text saying she would be over later, so he's waiting. He looks out the window and sighs before smiling seeing her leaving the woods, and then she's walking in through the door and crawling into his bed, he frowns and looks to her.

"Cat?" she shakes her head and pulls him down with her.

"Hold me" she begs. "Please" he nods and wraps his arms around her, kisses her head.

"You want to talk about it?" he asks, she shakes her head.

"No, I don't want to talk about it," she tells him, nuzzling into his neck. She shakes against him.

"Cat..." he whispers worriedly. "Talk to me, please" she shakes her head.

"I can't," she tells him. "I can't tell you" she whispers. He sits up and she groans pressing her hands into her eyes. "I just can't..." he pulls her hands away and sighs, he pulls her closer and wraps his arms around her.

"Alright," he whispers. "It's okay" he kisses her head. She clutches to him, her head pressed to his chest, her ear over his heart, she closes her eyes.

"I just need you" she whispers, he nods and strokes her hair.


Catherine walks back into the Cullen house and up the stairs, she looks into the living room, glances really.

"Cat" Edward states, she looks to him, glares. Thinks at him. About Jacob and the imprint, of their relationship, he looks to her surprised, she smirks. "When?" he asks, Bella looks up from the sofa and looks between them.

"Before the wedding" Catherine answers out loud, Edward nods a little, looking slightly pained. Catherine scoffs and rolls her eyes before heading up the stairs to her room, where Rosalie lounges on her sofa, a glare etched onto her face, Rosalie looks to Catherine who tightens her jaw, they share a look and Rosalie is opening her arms to her little sister, Catherine moves to her and curls up at Rosalie's side, Rosalie wrinkles her nose and holds her breath as she hugs Catherine.


Jacob looks to his cell phone, re-reads the text from Catherine. 'I can't today. I'm sorry'. He frowns. She's never said no to spending the day with him before. He sighs and sets the phone down before looking around. What's he supposed to do now?


Catherine sits on her sofa, which she's turned to face outside, the rain lashes down and the fog's rolled in, almost as if it's matching her mood. She wants to spend the day with Jacob, but she has to be here, just in case, she rolls her eyes. Just in case, yeah, right, they're just worried she'll tell Jacob and the pack about Bella and her 'condition'. Something else she can do that Catherine can't. Get pregnant. Have a baby. Be a mother. Catherine looks away. This is what she was talking about with Jacob. Maybe he would be better off with a human after all. She pulls her legs up onto the sofa and lays her head on the arm of it, stares blankly out the window.

Catherine (J. Black)Where stories live. Discover now