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DAY 27

It has been three weeks since I comforted Theseus. That was the last time I went into his cell. After I left that day, he went ballistic. He shifted and destroyed his cell. Even now, claw marks adorn the walls and the glass wall has scratches covering most of its entirety.

They were not able to get close enough to inject him with the syringe, which held the stronger sedatives. Instead, they used the weaker dart guns. They had to shoot him 12 times before he finally passed out.

When I came back the next day, he refused to speak to me; he was angry that I left him there. Since he was giving me the silent treatment, I left. Needless to say, he was much more eager to speak the next day.

I lean forwards in my office chair, looking over my notes from the days following that one. I start with June 1st.

June 1, 2019

Question: What does mate mean?

Answer: No today.

Additional notes: I believe he means 'not today,' as in, he will tell me later. I tried to get him to divulge more information, but he just shook his head.

June 2, 2019

Question: What year were you born?


Additional notes: The Project decided not to answer this one. He tried to claw through the glass again.

It was after this day that I realized he didn't like to talk on some days. Sometimes it was because of the question asked, other times it was because he was having an off day. I skip forwards in my notes to June 7th.

June 7, 2019

There were no questions today. Instead, we gave him a children's book to read. He shrugged before nodding slightly when I asked if he could read it. This is good, it means he is capable of human-like intellect. That, and he has, at some point, learned how to read.

June 8, 2019

We tested the Project's hearing today. He responds to sounds undetectable to human ears, which suggests he has advanced hearing like when he is in wolf form.

June 9, 2019

Question: What year were you born? (Track 02)

Answer: 1605 (With stuttering)

Additional Notes: I'm not really sure what I was expecting his answer to be, but it definitely wasn't that. This proves our theory that he doesn't age.

June 12, 2019

There were no questions today, just observing. He gets sick over the weekends. We don't know why, though. He is also more...whiny...after I have missed more than one day. He has also stopped eating.

June 13, 2019

He shifted today--in front of me. It was terrifying. He tried to get through the glass again. It's cracked now. I would have tried to comfort him, but his aggression seemed to be aimed at me.

I reread the last entry before sighing heavily. Dr. Vanderwall wants me to go into his cell today. To say I am scared would be an understatement. I have drank three cups of coffee since he presented the idea 2 hours ago; I have paced around my office four times, and I have bitten my nails down to bloody stubs.

THE TEKULA PROJECTWhere stories live. Discover now