Chapter 13: Romeo

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I stood next to Dad as Loki and Thor waited for the Tesseract. I want to see this thing first. I walked over to Banner, who had the Tesseract about to put it in a container. I felt like I should touch it. Banner stopped me.

"Woah! Hope! This thing has an energy we don't know. Who knows what might happen if you touch it." He noticed my go to touch it. I rolled my eyes.

"Just give it to me." I gave him my puppy eyes. He groaned. He didn't fight me.

"Fine, but if something happens..."

"I'll be okay." I heard Dad behind me as I go to grab it.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I groaned in annoyance. I grabbed the Tesseract anyway. I felt a surge of energy inside me. My veins glowed blue. Blue mists surround me. "Hope!"

"Lady Hope!" Thor exclaimed concerned. He made his way toward me. I shook my head.

"I'm okay! Just let me try something!" I connected with the energy. Letting it flow inside me like a river. I felt powerful. I looked at Loki.

You are powerful Darling. And you will soon remember. I'm made a fucking promise remember. I laughed at his thoughts. I mean, he knew I was reading him. The glowing stopped. My veins went back to normal. The mists disappeared. I exhaled deeply. That felt good for some reason. Banner stared, jaw dropped. Dad looked like a gold fish. I placed the cube inside Thor and Loki's container thing. He looked at me.

"What was that Lady Hope?" He questioned. I shook my head.

"Nothing." I smiled at him. He chuckled.

"In all my years of meeting different species and beings... you are by far the most unique." He smiled at me. I grinned.

"Why thank you Thor! I know you probably met other beings like talking trees or something!" I blushed. I heard Natasha chuckled behind me. I looked over to them. Clint had his sunglasses on and arms crossed. I saw Loki roll his eyes at Thor. I smirked at him.

You know... you would have made a fine King. If you didn't almost kill everyone. I've seen who you really are. Loki's eyes widened slightly at my words. He stared at me. His eyes showed emotion some would never have guess he could feel.

I smiled at him. He couldn't because of the mouth piece Thor put on him.

I hoped to see you soon Darling... you... you remind me of someone I used to know. He nodded at me slightly. I grinned at him. Is it bad I want to see him again too?

Oh no! This dude literally tried to take over my planet and I'm over here trying not to fall for him!

But I mean... there's no one in this universe who can say he's not hot.

"Lady Hope. If you would so kindly stop staring at my brother. I would like to go home." Thor spoke up. I quickly looked at him. He had a knowing smirk. I shook my head quickly, knowing what he thought.

Why you gotta do me like that, Thor!?

"It isn't like that, Thor! And I wasn't staring!" I crossed my arms with a huff. Thor laughed loudly.

I walked over and stood beside Dad. He raised an eyebrow. I quickly looked away from him.

He better not say shit.

Thor walked up to Loki and stood in front of him. Loki grabbed the other end of the container that held the Tesseract.

Thor looked at us. He nodded as a goodbye.

Loki stared at me. I gave him a little wave. His eyes crinkled a bit, indicating he was smiling. I grinned.

I forgive him for brain washing me for a bit. I don't know why, but I just do. I don't really know why I can't stay mad at him.

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