Chapter 10

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I stayed unearthly still for a second, not even daring to breathe. I didn't know what to think. No, I wasn't surprised; I had assumed that his guards would inform him that I had left to go to the barn, but I had hoped I would be able to at least get on the horse before he spotted me. But now, I was standing with his hands undoing my dress and I couldn't even think of a response.

Should I snap and use hard words? It often got me in trouble but it also bought me a significant amount of time if I used my words properly. Or should I spew a thousand apologies and hope for mercy?

I did neither.

I now understood why James had bowed so deeply. It hadn't been for me, it had been because his king had appeared and he had been dismissed. And Cleopatra's excited reaction was not because I had been cooing over her but because her rider had arrived and she was looking forward to an adventure.

Then, I almost stumbled backwards when a hard yank was delivered to the back of my dress. I quickly grabbed at the top of the gown, worried it would continue to fall to the floor, but as I inhaled I realized that the bodice was actually tighter around my body. I didn't say a word, confused as I felt him tug at the fabric, pulling the dress more snuggly around my body. He wasn't undressing me, he was redressing me.

"Come, it's late, we are going back to the palace." King Archer ordered, extending his elbow out for me to take much like James had a few moments ago. But the king's gesture was much colder and much more demanding, one that could not be denied.

Part of me wanted to snap at him and tell him that he was not allowed to treat me like this. He couldn't just order humans around like dogs and expect that they did whatever he pleased whenever he asked. But he could. And I had pushed my limits with him. I had already gotten a spot for my horse in a stable that put my old barn to shame, and judging by his coat and demeanor he was getting the best care possible. In addition to this I had asked for marriage and this afternoon I had a ring placed on my finger in front of dozens of people I had never met before. Then, I had fled when it came to holding up my end of our deal.

And he was the king. As much as I believed he should have to treat people like humans it didn't matter. His guards would do whatever he asked, my maids would bend to his wishes, and he had bought me from my previous master fairly. I reminded myself over and over that the threat he had made the first day I had been here was an honest one. He could do anything he wanted to me and he was being more than courteous to me.

So I reached out and looped my arm through his and we both slowly walked out of the barns, leaving the light of the lanterns behind us.

"Tell me Willow, how far did you think you were going to get?" King Archer asked as we sauntered through the darkened gardens.

His question startled me; I hadn't expected him to speak at all. Partly because I knew he was probably furious with me, but also because everyone in the palace never spoke to me unless I spoke to them. I slowed to a stop in the middle of the gravel pathway, wondering why he even tried to engage me in a conversation as I assumed he would just drag me back to my room and bed me.

"Did you think that my guards wouldn't tell me about your late night horse adventures, especially on my finest horse? And if they hadn't did you think no one would notice a woman improperly wearing a royal gown while riding a horse that cost more than the average plot of land?" he pressed.

I watched him in the little moonlight there was. His dark eyes seemed to glow with anger which frightened me so I moved my gaze downwards, scanning over his breeches, coat, and boots until my gaze hit the gravel. Then I moved back up him. He was the opposite of James, though they both had brown hair and brown eyes.

King Archer was taller than James, but it wasn't just his height that made him more intimidating. He also had broader shoulders, stronger arms, a steel like posture, and muscular legs. However, what made him the most terrifying was the airs he gave off. He was confident beyond any noble man or woman I had met. He was demanding and he knew he would get whatever he asked for from anyone. He was quite rude as well. But I think the worst part about his was the fact that he felt dangerous to me, like if I got too close I would be burned. Like a moth to a flame I was helplessly drawn, even now.

"Have we decided to be mute again?" He snapped, frustrated.

"Why me?" I whispered.


"Why did you pick me?"

"I didn't. The moon goddess did." He retorted.

I didn't understand his response, but I wasn't sure I wanted to so I simply shut my mouth and dropped my eyes to the gravel. The king took this as an end to our conversation and extended his arm towards me once more. We carried on our journey back to the palace in silence.

After what felt like forever we finally made it to my bedroom door. James was standing outside as usual, but when my eyes met his I noticed his cheeks turned bright red and he averted his eyes. I don't think he had wanted his partner to tell the king about my midnight ride, but I doubted he had a choice.

I turned my eyes away from him and pushed open my bedroom door. To my relief the king didn't follow me inside. And to my delight I noticed a small tray on my bed bearing a small assortment of food. I looked around my lavish bedroom, trying to see who the donor was, but my maids had not returned and there was no other soul in my private chambers. I even pulled back the thick curtains that covered my windows to make sure no one had decided to hide behind them.

Finally, after I had thoroughly searched the whole room I crept over to the tray and noticed a note was laying on the gold platter, next to a bun. I tentatively picked it up, worried that this was somehow a cruel trick from the king. I struggled to read the letter as I had never gone to a school. Fortunately, the stolen books that presumably remained the my old barn were enough to help me limp through the note.

I hope this is enough to keep you from going to bed hungry. Please don't tell anyone I have done this. – J

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