Chapter 39

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Hi readers !

This is the last chapter of this book. You might not like the end, to be honest I don't like it too. But I had to end it because I have become too busy to update new chapters.

So I am really sorry folks. But the next time I start a new story I will definitely give it a good end..

5 years later

I woke up to my daughter crying. Since Christina was born my wolf instincts have increased a lot. All my senses were more powerful than the king Victor himself. I turned towards him. He was sleeping with a frown. I kissed him and walked towards my daughter's room.

She stopped crying as soon as she realised my presence in the room. I walked towards her crib and held my 8 months old daughter. I walked towards the bed and laid down with her in my arms. I sang her a lullaby till she fell asleep. I kissed her forehead.

"She cried again tonight."  I heard Victor's husky voice from the door.

"We need to put the crib in our room. I don't like it when she is alone."

"We will do that first thing in the morning. I promise."  He kissed my forehead. I smiled at him and looked deep into his eyes. The love was evident. And I was very sure he could see the love I had for him too.

5 years ago, when I was in so much pain when I had found Victor besides me. As for Mark he found his Luna after two days of my marking.

"Get some sleep baby. You haven't slept since a long time and we have a busy schedule in the morning."

I nodded and followed him out of the room. As we walked into the room my eyes fell on our wedding photo. I smiled and looked at my wedding band. Victor had asked me to marry him 3 years back. Yes we were mates and marriage is a human thing. But he knew how much I wanted to a proper marriage. I had been married before but it all happened in haste.  But this time it happened the way I dreamt it to be . My father walking me down the aisle and my mother helping me with the wedding dress. And my maid of honour Jess was there with me. Everything seemed like a fairy tale. I was finally having my Happy ending but the news of me being pregnant was the cherry on the top.

Victor's happiness knew no bounds!! Christina has his eyes and she oozed power since the time she was born.
Victor always said " it has been long time since the kingdom saw a lady ruler. Christina will be loved by all. She will take the throne when she will turn 18."

It had made me happy that he didn't want a male to be his heir.
"Will you come and sleep?" I heard Victor's voice breaking my chain of thoughts again.
"Coming babe."
Tomorrow is our anniversary and the entire kingdom will be celebrating it. We have organised a huge party and all the Alphas were invited .

Every year I dreaded this day because every year on this day I would see Mark.
Both of us have met our mates but deep down our bond didn't die after all because we were true mates.
We both acted strong and avoided each other on such meets.

I silently climbed besides Victor and tried to fall asleep. He pulled me towards him and whispered softly, " like every time I will be standing besides you when you will be facing him, love."
I smiled at him.
"I love you Vic."
"I love you more my queen."

The End.

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