Chapter 21

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Day Before Coronation-

The light streaming in through the blinds stirs me awake as the memories of last week flood my mind bringing a joyous smile to my face.

All night I dreamt about seating charts and decorations chasing me. Weird I know. But then the evil planning stuff would disappear and in their place was Lucas professing his love for me.

Fully awake I open my eyes to see my mate in nothing but a towel wrapped lowly on his hips.

I definitely don't mind waking up to this. Good morning in deed.

"Good morning my queen. Sleep well?"

A blush covers my face from being caught. I really gotta work on the mental block thing.

"Or don't. I like knowing what your thinking."

"Whatever Lucas. Anyway... What's the plan for the day? The girls said something about separation."

I can't but let a small whimper out at the thought of being away from Lucas all day.

Lucas walks out of the closet in a pair of dark washed jeans and a blue t shirt slung over his shoulder. His hair is still wet from his shower but is messily styled upon his head.

"It's okay baby girl. Yes we have to be separate today but you and the girls are gonna go shopping and have a girls day or something like that. The guys and I are gonna go on a run and play video games or work out in the gym. Besides you can mindlink me if you need something or you just want to talk. Trust me when I say I would rather be in here with you watching movies and eating junk food. I'm not crazy about leaving you unprotected either."

Lucas had moved to lay on the bed with his head propped in his hand whilst laying on his side and running his fingers up and down my arm.

"A whole day? Will I get to see you tonight?"

Lucas lets out a sad sigh as he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry baby girl... It's tradition that the king and queen spend the night apart from each other the night before the coronation. It will be okay. You will stay here and I'll stay in the guest room at the end of the hall."

Before I can speak again Aella burst through the door closely followed by Adrian.

"Sorry to interrupt Alpha. Luna."

That was Aella.

"Well I'm not! Lucas get out! The day has officially started and you are no longer wanted here! Come on move it!"

I bet you can guess who that was.
Lucas lets out a small growl from the disrespect but does as Adrian asks. Lucas leans over and kisses my mark, then my lips.

"I love you. Be safe today baby girl."

"I will be. I love you too."

Lucas rolls out of bed and walks out the door before turning around and giving me the smile he only seems to show me. The smile where his dimples present themselves and his eyes crinkle ever so slightly. I can't help but return the grin before Adrian shuts the door in Lucas face.

"Now that the big oaf is gone, we need to get ready! It is going to be a long day of pampering, shopping, and whatever else we decided to do. I personally would like to watch a movie at some point today but that is just my opinion."

"Adrian. Your rambling."

"Oh Aella, Audrey gets it. I'm excited! I can't help it! Now don't be a downer and help me get Audrey out of bed."

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