the shops pt2

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ellie POV

Once we reached the baby isle, sophie stopped dead in the middle and shook her head at me.
"now now little girl you have no place to argue with my here, you wet the bed and you deserve to be punished, this will only last a couple of days and i'm sure you'll enjoy it in the end," i smiled and went to hold her hands. she stuck her bottom lip out and again shook her head.
"oh now you're a pouty baby," i chuckled and landed a quick kiss on her pout.
"We'll get your supplies then head to the next isle for your wetting issues," i said, sophie's eyes widened, she obviously didn't realise how serious i was about this. however i ignored her and began looking through the range of baby bottles and dummies along with bibs, changing mats, wipes, toys and pottys. I picked up some cute winnie the pooh pacis and along with matching dummy clips, scanned them and then out them in the trolley sophie was just stood with her arms crossed and scowled at me.
"Lose that smelly attitude, young lady," I warned. she huffed and turned away. I then picked up some winnie the pooh bottles and lids, scanned them and placed them in the trolley. i ended up getting a winnie the pooh changing mat, potty and nappy bin. i then went to take sophie's hand.
"Does my little girl want to pick some toys?" i asked her, she just glared at me and shook her head.
"im going to pick newborn toys sweetie so if you don't want them i suggest you pick your favourite ones, because you'll be too little to play with your big girl toys anymore," i smirked, she stomped her foot but then looked at the toys anyway. she picked up some building blocks and a learning stages play puppy. 
"Ohh good choices little one," i smiled and kissed her head, i noticed a quick blush creep onto her cheeks. but i chose not to say anything. whilst she went to scan her news toys and put them in the cart, i quickly picked up an interactive book which im sure she'll love. shes always fascinated by lights and sounds anyway, especially fireworks and the Blackpool illuminations. i scanned it and put it in the cart. i then took her hand and led us around to the nappy isle. i wanted nappies and pull ups, she needed all stages of littleness for the punishment/ regression to work well. I picked up a packer of 8-15 pull ups with butterflies on and quickly read the packet, it had 5 layers of absorbency and were suitable upto 57kg. I smiled and put 3 packets into the cart. Sophie audibly whined which just made me smirk, its her own doing really. I then walked over to the pampers, i picked up a size 8 packet, i really wasn't sure wether or not these would fit my soph. Maybe i could try it on... I quickly found a worker. sophie's lip was wobbling obviously embarrassed but again,she brought it on herself.
"excuse me, do you think i could quickly take her to the toilets to try one of these on?" I asked and took Sophie's hand, her head was down. she worker smiled and said 'we actually have a tester pack at the back, its an open packet, i can go and get one of them and look after your trolley,' I nodded and asked her to do so. i then took sophie's hand and we waited outside the bathrooms.
"i don't need nappies," she cried and turned to me, her eyes were brimming with tears. I smiled and quickly lifted her into my arms, she squirmed slightly but i just held her tighter. the worker then came and handed me the clean, nappy. I smiled and took my sweet girl into the baby changing toilets. 
"nooo, i don't need nappies," she cried and scurried away as i sat her down. 
"come on princess, it will be quick and harmless, if it doesn't fit it will come straight off," i said to her gently, she looked at me with pooling eyes.
"you can trust me sweetness," I said and held out my hand, she looked between me and the diaper. she then very slowly bum shuffled over to me and led down. i pulled up her skirt and pulled her panties off.
"Good girl, you're being so good for mummy," i smiled and stroked her leg, she blushed madly and hid her face behind her hands. I opened the nappy and then asked her to lift her bottom up. she did so and i shuffled it under, she then put her bum down and whimpered. "is it all fluffy baby?" i asked her she nodded but hid again.  I lifted the front up and then taped the sides really easily, "goodness me, you are really just as small as a baby, these fit you perfectly!" I smiled and pulled her skirt down.
"Stand up sweetie, let mummy see," I smiled, she stood up but blushed seriously when I lifted her skirt, she turned and squirmed but I could see the diaper was an awesome fit, we'll definitely be buying them. "Come on then, lets go buy them," I smiled and held out my hand she looked shocked. 
"Whats wrong princess?" I smirked.
"i-I can't, you said you'd take it off," she whined. 
"baby girl, i said id take it off if it didn't fit," I giggled and picked her up again. she wiggled in my arms but after a quick back rub and kiss she settled and let me carry her. "you really are a good girl," I smiled and bounced her on my hip slightly, purposely teasing the padding between her legs.

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