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A beautiful cover made by starfire_xo. ^^^^


For ohheysister. Even if you made me write it all on my own. -_-


"Jayden, who the flip told you that it was okay to do this?" I ask in horror, gazing at my mischievous son. He holds the head of a barbie doll in one hand, with its body in the other.

Ashley tugs on the hem of my shirt, still a sobbing mess, "M-mommy, he did it to Driky too."

I gasp, my eyes flying to Jayden. How could he hurt that poor stuffed dragon? That was the first teddy bear I ever got Ashley, so I think it's safe to say that it was valuable to both her and I.

"Jayden, honey, I get that you're trying to have fun, but this isn't acceptable. You shouldn't break Ash's toys like that." I state, mustering as much patience as I can.

"I can do what I want." He argues defiantly, stomping his foot and throwing the doll parts onto the floor.

He got this attitude from his father.

"Hone-" I try again, but he stomps his foot again and pouts.

Yep, definitely Marcello's attitude.

"Jayden." I say sharply, immediately earning his fearful glance. "I understand that you're upset, but you're being highly disrespectful right now. If you can't be nicer to your sister, then I'll have to get dad."

My threat immediately has him shutting his mouth, his face morphing into a horrified look.

Don't get me wrong, he loves his father, but he knows he's in for a lecture if Marcello figures out he disrespected Ashley and I.

"Yes, mommy. I'm sorry." He struggles with his apology and his face twists like he just ate something sour.

Without warning, he takes off running past Ashley and I and through the doorway of the living room leading to the hall.

Marcello appears just as Jayden sprints out of the room.

"Should I ask?" His eyebrow raises as his eyes follow Jayden disappearing form.

"I think the decapitated barbie on the floor is enough explanation." I gesture to the barbie parts with a tired sigh and turn back to the sink to finish putting up dishes.

"He did this?" Marcello asks in surprise, picking the broken toy up carefully as Ashley eyes it cautiously.

"Yeah. And Driky." My voice sinks, expressing how exhausted I am.

Right when I woke up, I had to get the kids ready, take them to school, run some errands, pick them up from school, get Ashley ready for her dancing class, help Jayden with homework, pick Ashley up, come home, make dinner, clean up, and wait for Marcello to get home from work.

I'm a walking zombie. I should be used to this, though. It's an every day routine for me, but I still feel tired at the end of each day.

A pair of warm, comforting hands rest on my shoulder, moving to knead my sore back.

"You should go rest, love." Marcello says, concern evident in his voice.

"I have to clean the kids' uniforms first. You should go sit down, you must be worn from work." I point out, turning to face him, but regret it as soon as his hands leave my shoulders.

"No, I'll help you. Maybe we'll get it done faster." He grins, wrapping his arms around my waist as he pulls me into his chest.

"Or you'll distract me and it'll take longer than necessary." I muse with a small smile.

"Guilty." His voice vibrates in his chest, and I can feel the movement against my cheek as we sway together. "But we both know that you like having me as a distraction."

"Guilty." I echo back with a small laugh, knowing he's telling the truth. "C'mon, let's go do some laundry."


After many failed attempts to get some work done, due to Marcello being a pain in the butt, I manage to finally get done with the kids' uniforms.

Which leads to Marcello pulling me onto his back and carrying me to the living room, where we find Ashley and Jayden playing with barbies and monster trucks together.

Looks like they've made up.

"Hey, brats." Marcello greets setting me down on the couch before plopping down after me, nearly landing on top of my poor frame.

"Hi, daddy." They say in unison, followed by giggles, the loudest in the giggling fest being Marcello.

"Can I play with you guys?" He asks, crawling onto the ground and picking up a barbie doll.

I decide to do the same, grabbing onto a red monster truck.

"No, I want mommy to have the barbie, and daddy can have the monster truck." Ashley whines with a pout.

"But what if daddy wants the barbie doll?" I ask teasingly, sending Marcello a wink.

"No, he gets the monster truck." Ashley orders, sounding too sassy for her own good.

"But I want the barbie." Marcello frowns, sending a small, almost unnoticeable smirk in my direction.

"No, you get the monster truck." Ashley stands up, grabbing the toys from our hands and switching them.

"Okay, okay. Geez." Marcello says defensively, then leans over to me, whispering, "She gets her temper from you."

"I don't know if I should be flattered or offended." I say suspiciously, narrowing my eyes at him.

He gives me an innocent smile before turning to focus on our Jayden giving the rules. I keep my eyes glued to him suspiciously for a couple seconds, but let my mock resolve melt away. His sharp feature look softer than they did when we'd first met.

I give myself a moment to remember him as he was. His eyes shine in happy exhaustion, unlike the constant mischievous look I'd grown used to when I first came to Italy.

This man changed my life. I never imagined myself in some far away country, playing with dolls and monster trucks to prevent an olive skinned goblin from biting my head off. Two olive skinned goblins, as a matter of fact.

My thoughts dart back to the present moment, escaping the memories of running into walls outside of hotels and having a moody Marcello carrying me around the streets of Italy.

As I watch the love of my life play monster trucks against barbie dolls (the barbies are winning, obviously) with my kids, I can't help but to feel proud of my family.

Even though we all get frustrated and angry with each other at times, we all know that we can depend on each other, even if daddy's a big, bad mafia boss.

Okay, I know I said that last chapter would be the end, but someone mentioned making another one of Brimmy and Marcello with their kids, and I decided to do it. So...yay?

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