6. Dog Park Heart-to-Heart

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[ edited 2nd Dec 2015 ]

I don't know how I ended up there, but I did. 

Hell, I was so lost in L.A, it was quite a shock that I actually found a dog park, a place that I could be lost amidst the barking and the laughter of children as they played fetch with their beloved pets.

There the tears I'd been holding back rushed out in a downpour.

How could he do that? Didn't he feel anything for me? Was I just another notch in his belt?

Men and their disgusting ways.

I blinked back the tears as I watched a little girl play tug-of-war with a golden retriever. Feats of heavenly giggles escaped her, joined in with the chorus of cheerful barks from her pet. Her parents watched on from a summer mat spread out on the green pastures, holding hands as they watched the joyful result of their unquestionable love.

If only I'd stayed back home and not even thought of flying all the way here, to a place I'd sworn never to step a foot in. Not to mention the  hundreds of dollars I'd wasted on this stupid trip. But then again, if I hadn't I wouldn't have found out about James and his whorish ways, and would have wasted even more of my life on him and our doomed relationship.

I might have sat there for hours on end. I don't know. Time seemed lost to me. I could only measure it with the number of dogs and owners that came to occupy the park. Three dogs and their individual families had now since occupied the spot where the family and their Golden Retriever had been. Now by the spot was a lady in her late twenties on a spread, reading a book as her huge Rottweiler lay by her leg playing with a toy.

"Alexandria?" a voice questioned from beside me.

I turned my head, surprised when I saw Mrs Laurent standing there in a floral dress holding a litter bag as a small Doberman stood by her feet.

"It is you!" a smile lit up her aged face. "I thought so," she began to head over.

I tried to rub my face dry, in the hopes of masking my sorrow and pain, before looking up and pasting a rather genuine smile on my face.

"Mrs Laurent!" I exclaimed in excitement.

She reached me and pulled me into a hug, her perfume hitting me, a mix of vanilla and roses.
She studied me for a minute, her face blank. "What is the matter child?"

I tried smiling even more. "Nothing. Nothing Mrs Laurent."

She smacked me lightly on the arm. "Don't lie to me Alexandria. I can see the dried up tears on your swollen face and red eyes that could only be caused by unending hours of crying."

I ran a hand over my face, trying to hide the evidence. "It's nothing."


"Okay. It's a long story and I don't want to bother you with it."

She sat down next to me. "I've got all the time in the world."

I arched a brow at the kind old woman, curious at her sincerity.

"I'm waiting..."

I chuckled lightly at her impatience, before relaying the story of my messed up relationship.

Thankfully Mrs Laurent saved all her comments until I ended the story. But, even then she didn't say a word for a while. She only stared at me.

"Alexandria, it seems that based on the facts that you've told me so far, that you were lucky to find out now, rather than wasting more time on this boy." She smiled reassuringly. "He seems like a distasteful thing that didn't deserve an ounce of your attention."

I smiled at the kindly old lady, thankful for her words. But still, it didn't lessen the anger I felt towards James.

"I see..." Mrs Laurent commented after studying my face. "You are angered by his actions?"

I nodded. "Who wouldn't be, right?"

She nodded thoughtfully. "Maybe, it would be best that you go and talk it out with this... James, Alexandria. Maybe all you need is some closure, in order to forget about him."

I didn't say anything for a minute. Closure? That wouldn't work. 

What I needed was to connect my fist into his cocky, cheating face. That's what I need. A fist connected to his face, and a leg firmly planted between his legs, landing a sound, firm kick.

Of course, I don't say this to Mrs Laurent. She would outraged by my methods. And I didn't want to lose the one kind person I've managed to befriend in my short time here.

"I can drop you off."

"What?" I was lost.

"I'm heading in the similar direction to the studio. I can drop you off. Besides Cain here," she nodded toward the Doberman who had since taken residence on the ground next to her, "has had enough of a walk today," she replied.


"He dragged me all over the place," she chuckled as she thought of the memories of that happening.

"I meant, why would I head to the studio."

"I already told you dearie. You need to get some closure."

It took me five seconds before I replied back with a nod. "Sure. Let's go."

I felt bad, tricking her into thinking that this confrontation would be a violence-free one. Because it wouldn't be. This confrontation-closure, would be a close body on body action. And not the good kind.


Follow me on my SNS accounts for teaser chapters or you wanna ask me a question.

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email : lqkaloucava@gmail.com

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