~ 33. hyperventilating ~

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Before our lips connected i heard the door being opened and i pushed him away

It as alicia

'Im hungwy' she said in her baby voice not being able to say her words

'Get going home. Get her something to eat' i said and he nodded

'I'll come back in a little while' he said

'No point i probably won't be here' i said and he nodded

'See you tomorrow' he said

'Bye A'  she said waving at me and left with Hayden

I looked at cameron once again and just hoped he'd wake up

I felt helpless knowing I couldn't do anything

I wanted to cry
I wanted to punch the wall
I wanted to scream in anger
I wanted to just wake up from this bad dream

I saw the 2 guards come back and they had sandwiches in their hands and i walked out

'Miss wood'  they said

'Anything wrong' they asked

'Head off home. You need to rest.  Go with your families' i said and without questioning they left

A nurse walked in and she smiled at me before heading off to cameron

'I just need to do a quick check up.' she said and i nodded

She looked at his heart beat and blood pressure before nodding her head and looking down

I knew what that meant

'He's not getting better. He has a day before we start surgery tomorrow' she said and i nodded and she left

Please wake up cameron


I can't lose my brother

I heard footsteps and a doctor walked past into the room infront of me

Suddenly, I heard a loud ear deafening beep which caused me to cover my ears and drop to the floor

A nurse pulled me outside and around 6 doctors came running and sat me down then put light into my eyes

'What was that'

'It's called hyperventilating from a coma. When someone wakes up, their body like screams for help because of the light their eyes are not used too'

(I made this up idk lol)

I ran in the door despite the stupid doctors telling me not too

5 minutes later they all ran in too, shocked

I grabbed his hand

'Please wake up cameron. You can't go. What would happen to dad. Mum. Me most of all.' I said

'You're like my best friend. My sibling. My crime partner. My MI6 buddy. ' I said and suddenly

I felt his hand tighten around mine


Undercover At An All Boys School Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ