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Claire dropped her bag on the floor, glaring at her cousin who was licking mayonnaise from the container, standing next to the kitchen door and staring right back.

"Did you meet him?" He asked.

"I did."

"Did you kiss him?"

"I did."

"Did you fuck him?"

"I did— did not." She grumbled, walking past him into the kitchen and to the backdoor. "Where are parents?"

"Work." He simply answered, and followed other out to the backyard where he knew exactly what she was about to do. She whipped out her pack of cigarettes and her lighter before lighting one up and having a drag. "It'll kill you."

"Okay." But she made no move to put it out.

"What did you reason with for your absence ?"

"I didn't. I don't have to explain why I was home and sick of diarrhoea." She still grumbled on, her weakness slowly showing up as she did so. What? She was genuinely sick and couldn't walk straight for two days, not that she was in misery. Well, apart from that, she still had to discuss the matter and take action.

"What's your plan?" He asked, still licking that cream. "I know you have a plan."

"I don't." She claimed. "I go with the flow."

"Oh no, AUNTY!" He suddenly let out a huge squeal, and Claire instantly dropped her straw and stood on it. "You fool." He grinned.

She sighed. She didn't know why her cousin brother was so damn immature, but he always succeeded in lightening up the mood or save her from all the trouble she gets herself into. She still shot her crooked glare at him, even though it didn't affect the guy in anyway. He just laughed at her, and then stuck his tongue out.

"Why don't you rub some of that into your nostrils and choke on it?" She showed him the finger.

"Nah." He shook his head, "I'd rather hear your plan."

"I DON'T HAVE A PLAN." Claire scowled. "How annoying."

"Then hear me out," He said, and motioned her to follow back into the house and to the living room couch, where he sat down comfortably and she sat next to him with an emotionless face. "Call Nate."

She scoffed, "Nate? Are you okay?"

"He needs to know."

"No. He has nothing to do with this." She refused. "He's a piece of trash and nothing will change my opinion."

"Claire.." her brother sighed. "I know you hate him, but, I also have a feeling he has something to do with all of this."

"Like what?" She asked, dumbfounded by his words. Nate was incapable of coming up with such a master plan that Brad was using.

"Like for instance.. the pictures. Weren't they with that guy, uh.. Wesley? Who cut you out from the pictures and presented it in front of the court that day?"

Claire thought for a moment, and man, was he right. Nate must have been in contact with Wesley who decided to help out the billionaire who reached out to Nate for his master blackmailing plan against Claire and lured them both with money. She was going crazy, wasn't she?

"I think.. I'll talk to him." She nodded in agreement.

"Then, after that, take him to Brady Clark and demand to know exactly why he wants you to stay away from Lucas." He nodded too, "sounds like a solid plan."


Claire grabbed her coat, tugging it on. "I once went to Brady's party. And he turned out to be a rich bitch." She muttered in dismay.

"Oh?" Chandler frowned. "Why do you say that?"

"He indirectly poor shamed me." She then whipped her leather jacket out to show it to him. "What poor family owns a fucking leather jacket, huh?"

She then proceeded to roll her eyes.

"Well, who gives a fuck right now? Just gO!" He pushed her out into the cold of the day, and she shivered. "Sort your shit out and then step back into the house through this exact door, or I'm taking the bed."

"Unfair." Claire huffed. "You and I both know I'll step into the house with bruises. It's Nate I'm meeting, after all."

Now it was Chandlers turn to roll his eyes at his little immature sister. "You start a fight, I'm taking your bed for the whole week."

Yes, they fought over who slept in bed every night, and most of the time Chandler losing and ending up in the attic again, while Claire enjoyed her warm comfort under the blankets, because there wasn't a guest room but the attic was big enough to be one.

"Whatever." She shrugged, and walked out.

"Bye!" He yelled. All she did was ignore him, because he was way too annoying.

Minutes later, Claire's nose was freezing in the cold, the snow making it hard to walk straight and reach the exact ground she met Nate a few days ago. All she saw among the pure blissful white was a black beanie covered head with golden bangs sticking out on his forehead.

A hardened jaw, and a cold stare that matched well with the weather.

"Cooper." He greeted.

"Moore." She gave a tight nod.

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