Torch Me

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I stared at the man in front of me with pure hate..well I stared at the blurry figure that I thought was him

"Hello Scarlett" I heard a melodic voice in my head

"Who are you" I stated aloud

"A friend who's going to give you your sight back" as soon as those words echoed throughout my head the back of my eyes began to heat up

It wasn't too painful but it was a bit of an uncomfortable type warmth but I didn't care because my eyes were clearing up

I could slowly start to see the figure in front of me a nasty smile  plastered across his disgusting face

"Ewww you look disgusting" his face had a huge hole on the side of his left face and the one eye he had was pitch black there were these nasty sharp teeth dripping with ..I don't even know what that is ..and his clothing were ripped and covered in blood

His face dropped at my words and a snarl left his..teeth

He lunged at me and before I could register my hands went up on their own and scorched the demon in front of me

Pay attention Scarlett

The voice in my head scolded

"Sorry" I stared aloud making the voice huff

You don't have to speak aloud I can hear your thoughts Scarlett

"Oh um my bad" I thought in my head

I looked forward at the demon in front of me who was still crying out in agony on the floor

"Shall we neuter him" the voice in my head asked

Just then Lucifer burst through the door his horns on full display with fire at the tips while the rest of his body was covered in fire

" about we let Lucifer deal with that thing"

"Good idea" the woman in my head agreed

Constallent came in behind Oculus his eyes pitch black, his hands balled into fist and his sharp teeth on full display while he had long horns on the top of his head as well with a spark of fire at the tips

They both looked at me and I could see them relax a bit but they were still tense nevertheless

Lucifer came over to me but stopped mid-way and then sniffed the air, he then looked back down at me his eyes now purple with a hint of blue

They were honestly beautiful but the rage behind them made me afraid

"He touched you, he touched my most prized possession" his voice echoed deep within the walls of the room and it honestly was sexy as hell

"Daddy?" The woman in my head shouted

"Shut it, whatever your name is" I scolded her

"Oh the names Phoenix, I'm the fire within I'll explain everything another time though"

" leave with constallent" he pushed me towards his closest friend

Constallent grabbed my arm but instantly retracted it when I burned him, I forgot I was still a walking torch

"Sorry" I mumbled

"Phoenix um can you ya know make the fire begone" I asked in my head

"I would but then you'd be naked and I don't think Lucy would like that too much" I nodded my head in agreement to her

I looked towards constallent while he stared at me with scrunched eyebrows

"What I didn't do anything" I put my hands up in a surrender like way and he shook his head and told me to follow him

He lead me to this room where he told me to take a shower, and that there were clothes in the closet that I could put on

He then went back out the door I'm guessing to help Lucifer


After Phoenix had unlit me and I'd freshened up and scrubbed til my skin turned red i went to sit on the bed to find a big plate of food

Yellow rice, Steak, and some broccoli with cheese on the side

After stuffing my face I gulped down all the water that was brought to me and then I laid down on the bed

Welp I'm going to just ya know up

"Ok Phoenix" I laughed at her

Turning over in the bed I closed my eyes and let darkness take over me

Authors Note

Omg Guys I passed my Drivers Exam 🤪I am so friggin happy I was going to update yesterday but I just joined this dance team since I literally have nothing else to do and I was to sore to move anything

By the way I'm working on trying to get my heel stretch are there any tips you guys have that may help me a little?

But here is your update hehehe

Until Next time pipsqueaks 😍😘

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