13 | Dance

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After Harry had tied for first place in the first task along with Viktor Krum and retrieved his egg, the Gryffindors all went back to the common room to celebrate the boy's win. Fred and George had raised Harry on their shoulders, who was holding the egg above his head. The rest of the house surrounded the three, cheering loudly.

Harry asked if he should open the egg, which everyone wanted, and he did so. Screeches filled the common room, causing everyone to cover their years to try and block the noise. Fred and George ended up dropping the Gryffindor Champion, who scrambled to close the egg.

Y/n placed a hand on Fred's shoulder and looked at the twins. ''You good?''

''Yeah.'' George nodded.

''WHAT?'' Fred yelled, rubbing his right ear still. His cheeky smile confirmed Y/n's suspicions that he was pretending.

Y/n looked around when she heard the familiar song – who would've put on muggle music? And how did it end up being one of her favorite songs? The party was in full on swing, everyone dancing and laughing. She decided to join in, staring to dance along the beat and sing the lyrics.

''Do you know the song?'' Fred yelled over the noise as he approached her.

''Yeah!'' Y/n yelled back, turning to him. ''I like it a lot!'' It was really loud in the common room, Y/n was surprised the silencing charms covered all the noise.

''So, you wanna dance?'' asked Fred.

''I already am!''

''Is that how muggles dance?'' She glared slightly at the boy, who could only laugh in turn.

''Shut up, Weasley,'' Y/n said and spun around on her heel, trying to walk away, though both of them knew she wasn't actually going to. Nonetheless, Fred grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, causing her to hit his chest.

''You know I'm just teasing, L/n.''

''Yeah, I know.''

- - -

Once the Yule Ball was announced, it became clear why dress robes were a requirement this year. Y/n thought back to her f/c dress stored in her trunk, imagining herself wearing it and dancing around the Great Hall with it.

McGonagall had gathered all Gryffindors in her classroom. The desks were pushed back and there were chairs lined up next to each wall – boys and girls sitting separated and facing each other.

''The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament for a long time.'' McGongall explained, while Filch was setting up the music. ''On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests will gather in the Great Hall for a night of well mannered tresolity. As representatives of the school host, I expect each and everyone of you to be on your best behavior. But, the Yule Ball is first and forward . . . a dance.''

The whole classroom erupted in whispers at McGonagall's words, though they were quickly silenced. ''The house of Godric Gryffindor has commonted the respect of the world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening to ruin all it's reputation by behaving like a bambling bumbling band of baboons!''

Y/n snorted quietly at McGonagall's choice of words, immediately looking at the twins, who seemed to be repeating the phrase over and over again.

''Now. To dance, is to leave your body breathe!'' McGonagall said, doing a weird move, then turning to the girls. ''Inside every girl there's a swan to burst and take flight!''

She faced the boys. Y/n noticed Ron whispering something to Seamus, which caused the latter to laugh. Unfortunately for them, McGonagall had seen them, too. ''Inside every boy a proud lion ready to pounce!'' McGonagall said. ''Mr. Weasley!'' She made her way to Ron.

''Yes?'' Ron asked with a hint of fear in his voice.

''Will you join me please?'' McGongall asked, extending her arm out for him.

Ron stood up, followed by most of the guy's laugh, and stood in the middle with the witch. ''Now, place your right hand on my waist.''

''Where?'' Ron asked in confusion and fright.

''My waist.'' McGonagall repeated and Fred whistled. Ron turned around, seemingly ready to pounce on his older brother, but the professor pulled him back. Y/n looked away, locking eyes with Fred. The redhead winked at her, causing her cheeks to feel warmer, though Y/n stuck her tongue out at him in return.

After Ron's embarrassing moment with McGonagall, the teacher told everyone to get up and find a partner to dance with. Y/n got up, having had to follow what the other girls were doing, but Fred, just like the other boys, stayed put. He desperately wanted to reach out to Y/n and dance with her, but Hogwarts students were unforgiving, considering how they were treating the Harry Potter.

Neville was the first one to stand up and Fred blessed his soul internally, then dashed through the crowd. He quickly spotted Y/n, to his luck, still without a partner. ''Care to dance?'' he asked, sticking his hand out for her.

''Only if you don't step on my feet,'' Y/n said smugly as she grabbed his hand.

Fred pulled her in, getting them in position. ''If anyone's feet would be stepped on, that would be mine, Miss Klutz,'' he said. ''Besides, all Weasley children have been taught how to dance by none other than Molly Weasley herself.''

''Good for you,'' she told him. ''I can't dance for shit.''

''What's with the foul language?'' Fred chuckled as the two of them swayed lazily.

She shrugged. ''Felt like it.''

''Mr. Weasley! Miss L/n! This is not dancing!'' McGonagall scowded the two.

''Yes, sorry Professor!'' Fred said and then turned to Y/n. ''Okay, let me teach you to dance.'' He started counting from one to three repeadetly and moved, making her move with him. For a person who couldn't dance, she wasn't doing that bad, Fred noted.

''Ouch!'' Fred exclaimed when she stepped on his toes.

''Sorry.'' she mumbled, looking down in embarrassment.

''It's okay, not everyone can be such great dancer like myself.''

''You're so full of yourself Weasley.''

''You love it, L/n.''

''Do I, really?''

''Oh, shut up.''

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