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XII. chocolate cake

 chocolate cake

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                    DEAN LOOKED AT THE LITTLE GIRL, unable to come up with a response that was censored enough for the little girl. He looked away, clearing his throat.

"Ask Sammy."

Sybil nodded and looked up at the hands of the scarecrow, tilting her head.

"What's that," Sybil asked, pointing upward.

Dean followed the direction to where she pointed, observing the weird-looking blade. He grabbed the ladder close by and placed it next to the scarecrow, climbing up to its level to examine it closer. He made eye contact with the scarecrow before moving its sleeve out of the way, revealing weird markings on the arm.

"That looks really familiar," Sybil said.

Dean looked at it a little longer. "Yeah, it does, doesn't it."

He, then, proceeded to unfold the missing person papers and placed the picture next to the scarecrow's arm. After making the connection, Dean looks at the scarecrow with a small smirk. "Nice tat."

                    DEAN BEGAN TO DRIVE BACK TO town as Sybil leaned her head against the passenger seat's window, looking all glum. Dean looked over at the small seven years old briefly before returning his attention back to the road.

"What's wrong with you?"

Sybil sat upright and looked at her brother, sighing. "I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry," Dean chuckled.

"Yeah, but this time I'm starving," she said, exaggerating the last word.

"Oh, yeah? What do you want?"

Sybil's eyes lit up as she said her craving out loud. "Chocolate cake!"

Dean looked at Sybil to ensure that she was serious about her request. "That's what you really want?"

Sybil nodded vigorously, causing Dean to shrug in response and looking forward, towards the road. "I guess we're gonna go get some chocolate cake."


Dean pulled off to the side of the road, right next to a gas pump where Emily happened to be standing. Before Dean got out of the car, he turned to Sybil. "Stay here, and if you behave, you'll get the biggest slice of chocolate cake your eyes have ever seen."

Sybil grinned widely at the ultimatum. "Deal!"

Dean hopped out of the car and began chatting with Emily, the girl from earlier, about the town and the orchard just past town. As the two were conversing, Sybil began looking through Dean's mixtapes just to have something to do as she waited on her brother. After a fe minutes have passed, Dean got back into the car and began to pull out.

"Are we going to get some cake now," Sybil asked, perking up.

Dean smiled at the little girl. "Yep, and I know exactly where to go and get it."

                    DEAN OPENED THE DOOR TO SCOTTY'S Diner, the bell ringing as the two of them walked in. He picked up Sybil as a precaution and greeted the man from earlier.

"Hiya, Scotty," Dean said as Scotty's smile fell from his face. "Can I get a coffee – black?"

Sybil hit Dean's shoulder, causing him to look at her, confused as to why she hit him. Realizing the reason, he looks back up at Scotty. "Oh, and a chocolate cake for the lovely lady."

Scotty, who was hesitant at first, went to the back to retrieve the requested items as Dean and Sybil took a seat at a table next to the couple.

"How're ya doing," Dean asked the couple. "Just passing through?"

"Road Trip," the lady responded, continuing to eat her pie.

"Mm. Yeah, me too. This little one wanted to see the world's largest ball of twine."

Sybil looked at the couple with a smile and nodded, going along with the act. The lady smiled back at the little girl. "Aw, how cute! Is she yours?"

"Yeah," Dean smiled, "a bundle of joy that one."

Scotty went over to their table and refilled their drinks. Sybil and Dean noticed the amount of food they were eating.

"Wow, you guys sure are hungry," Sybil said.

Scotty looked at Sybil before looking at Dean. "I'm pretty sure these people want to eat in peace."

"Just a little friendly conversation," Dean said, "and Darlene is very outgoing. She believes everyone is her friend."

The lady silently aw-ed at her significant other before proceeding to eat her food. Scotty glared at Dean as he walked by their table. "Oh, and that coffee and cake, too. Thanks."

"So what brings you here," Sybil asked the couple, now fully facing them. "Are you here to see the world's biggest ball of twine too?"

The lady smiled at Sybil. "Oh, no, we went and stopped for gas, and the guy at the gas station saved our lives."

"Is that right," Dean chimed, suddenly joining the conversation.

"Yeah, one of our break lines was leaking. We had no idea. He's fixing it for us."

Dean nodded slightly. "Nice people."


"How long does it take for your car to fix," Sybil asked, grabbing their attention.

"Sundown," the guy replied.

Dean then offered to fix the brake line for the couple, but they kindly declined the offer, stating that they would rather a mechanic do work on their car.

Then, what looked like to be the sheriff entered the diner. Scotty walked up to the man had a quick word with him before they walked towards Dean and Sybil. "I'd like a word, please."

"Come on," Dean said. "I'm having a bad day already. All I want to do is give my daughter some chocolate cake."

The sheriff then leaned over the table, closer to Dean. "You don't wanna make it worse."

Before you know it, Dean grabbed Sybil and walked quickly to the Impala, locking the doors once they were inside. He then sped off down the road, the officer now following them with siren and lights on.

"Shouldn't we pull over," Sybil asked, worry taking over her.

"Once we cross over to the next town, he'll turn around," Dean reassured.

Sybil, who was still worried about getting into big trouble, place a hand on the door to steady her as Dean continued to speed. The sheriff suddenly slammed on the breaks and ran out of the car and looked around, as if he were looking for something.

Dean looked through his rearview mirror, confused as to why the man stopped so suddenly but continued to drive until he crossed over to the next town.

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