Chapter 18: Moon Goddess, Say What?

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Xavier's POV

I drop what I'm working on and scramble out of the office, making my way outside at the sound of Alina bellowing in agony, calling out to me through our mate bond.

I barrel through the front door of the pack house to see Alina withering on the ground, clawing at her body with extended claws as her eyes glow pure gold while Jace and Reece stand guarding her looking like they would vaporize anything in their path that tries to get to her. I rush to her side frantically.

I glance up at rustling bushes to see Jason, Roxy, Alex and Riley bolt out of the forest in wolf form, where I'm sure they just came from a run and sprinted towards her but were stopped in their tracks by Jace and Reece who's eyes were shockingly ice white and won't stop growling at anyone who tries to come close to us.

I'm trying desperately to ease her pain but as soon as I touch her, panic takes over as I collapse onto the ground right next to Ali, screaming and clawing at my flesh as an excruciating pain wracks through my body, burning me from the inside out.

Suddenly I feel my bones start to crack and morph unnaturally, making me feel as if I'm experiencing my first shift once again. Rhys tries to sooth me and tells me it'll all be over soon, to just let it happen. I hear our friends yelling out to us but there was nothing they could do. After what felt like hours, when in reality it must have only been a few minutes, everything goes silent and still as we lay on the ground in our wolf forms.

Alina and I slowly begin to move and stand on all fours, feeling bigger and stronger than before. I stand to my full height and to my surprise, tower over the rest of them. I look over at Alina and see her wolf matching my height, eyes glowing pure gold with beautiful red tribal markings on her pure white fur that wrap around her eyes and descend down her back. I look my reflection in her eyes and take a step back at what I see. My pure midnight black fur has the exact marks like Alina and my eyes were glowing liquid gold. I glance around at our friends to find stunned expressions and gaping mouths.

What in the name of the Moon goddess just happened to us?

Rhys decides to take over for a few seconds and howls in song at the sky in pride of our beautiful mate and Ali, or Rhia should I say, joins in as our friends drop down onto their knees with their heads bowed and necks displayed in offering. Well that's a first.

Jace and Reece suddenly stand and turn to face the woods a few meters away from us as if expecting something. A bright light shines through an opening and an ethereal woman, glowing in warm white light emerges towards us.

She glides up to us on bare feet and smiles at the awe-stricken faces that greet her as Alina's voice rings out through mind-link, telling us exactly who she is.

"Hello my children. My name is Juliana Serena Celene Wiltfang. You better know me as the Moon Goddess. Please rise." She greets us with a warm tender smile that makes me feel as if everything is right with the world. Everyone gets up slowly, doing as she says and looks at us then back to her, glancing between us a few times, not knowing what to make of any of this. Neither do I.

Aiden was the first to break the silence. " Uhh. Hello..." He waves awkwardly. "Not to sound rude, but what exactly is going on here?" he looks around exasperatedly, not knowing what else to say. I don't blame him. This is all too much of a shock for one day.

The Moon Goddess chuckles and smiles brightly, "Alina and Xavier have been gifted their powers of course."

"Er, of course." He agrees, nodding his head in agreement. "Wait...powers?" he questions, looking like a lost puppy and glancing at the others for help but receiving blank looks in return.

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