15. I Love Her (Easton's Pov)

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I gently caressed her soft skin and smiled.

Wow. I can't believe this angel laying right here is my girlfriend.

She means so much more to me than she may think. Ever since that day on the beach when we were only fifteen years old. I knew she was the girl I'd want to spend the rest of my life with.

I lightly peck her cheek before pulling away and gaining some courage to tell her how I really feel.

If worst comes to worse at least she's asleep.

"I-" I start to confess before the door bell rings which makes me internally groan.

Seriously, you couldn't have waited until I finished my sentence.

I walked over towards the door and answered it only to be immediately greeted by the image of my next door neighbor who usually only comes over to complain or nag.

I brought my hand up and rubbed my temples in frustration and confusion as to why she's here.

"Is there something I can help you with, Karen?" I ask the middle aged woman as she glares at me through her sunglasses

"I came to make a complaint about the noise I heard earlier" she says in a voice that puts the sound of nails on a chalkboard to shame

Of course she did.

"What noise disrupted you this time?" I ask her with annoyance clear in my tone

You would be annoyed too if your middle aged neighbor came to your door, multiple times a week, just to complain about the noises she hears coming from your house.

"I heard moaning and not just any moaning, a girl moaning" she says with a suspicious look causing me to roll my eyes

Is she serious right now?

Amelia wasn't even moaning that loud or at least that's what I thought.

Even if she was that technically isn't Karen's business.

"Okay? My girlfriend moaned a little too loud, it's not a crime to make her feel good" I say as I lean against the door and cross my arms

"I am going to report this to the police" she says in a tone that sounds like she has an upper hand in this conversation

"Go ahead," I say with a shrug

"I'll tell them about your false accusations and how you're technically trespassing on my property since you're not wanted here" I say in a bored tone

She glares at me before retreating down the steps and back towards her house next door.

That's one crazy lady.

I close the door and turn around to see a goddess on the couch, comfortably resting. I smile to myself before I walk towards the kitchen to prepare spaghetti so that when my mom and Stella come back, we all can have a family dinner.


"Easton" I heard Stella yell which causes me to roll my eyes at my loud mouthed twin

"Be quiet, Amelia is sleeping" I whisper yell to her as mom walks in after her with the bags of food. Stella rolls her eyes at me before running upstairs, leaving mom and me to get the rest of the bags of food from the car.


After we put the food away and plate the spaghetti I made, I decide to wake up Amelia.

I walk out of the kitchen into the living room only to be met with the image of Amelia laying comfortably on her back as she sleeps soundlessly causing me to smile at her.

I stop when I'm standing near her, I gently tap her arm just in case if she was a light sleeper.

When I figured out that she wasn't a light sleeper I tapped he a little harder, but she still doesn't move.

I lean down until I'm face to face with her, then I kiss all over her face causing her to wake up laughing

"Okay okay, I'm up" she says as I pull away and see the most gorgeous pair of dark blue eyes accompanied by a bright smile that instantly melts my heart

"Great, now get up" I say as I hold my hand out for her to take,which she does. When she's standing on her two feet accompanied by my arm ms wrapped tightly around her waist she has a confused look on her face

"Did you wake me up just so you could look at me?" She asks causing me to blush and look away as I mentally scold myself for being caught

"N-no" I stutter but quickly change the subject so she can't question it "I made spaghetti, so let's go eat food" I say which causes her eyes to light up

"You don't have to tell me twice" I hear her mumble before she wiggles out of my arms and heads towards the kitchen causing me to roll my eyes at her.

I swear that sometimes this girl loves food more than me.

I make my way into the kitchen and see her sitting in a barstool while eating a huge plate of spaghetti. I stare at her like she's crazy. That plate of spaghetti is bigger than her head.

"Are you crazy? You can't finish that" I say to her causing her to look at and smirk at me

"Want to bet?" She questions, I nod my head immediately knowing she won't finish it.

"If I finish this then you have to what I say for the rest of the day" she says with mischief in her eyes

"Deal. If you don't finish it then you have to do what I say for the rest of the day" I say which causes something to change in her eyes as they become a little darker

"Deal" she says before she continues eating the plate of pasta.


"I can not believe you actually finished that plate of spaghetti" I spoke in shock as she took her last bite of spaghetti and placed her fork down with a smirk on her face

"You shouldn't have underestimated me" she says with a shrug

I'll never underestimate her again.

"So, I wonder what I should have you do first?" She questions as she taps her chin in thought

Shoot, what did I just get myself into.

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