F I F T Y - N I N E

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My whole body was on fire


At least it certainly felt that way

"Make it stop!" I cried as the intensive headache and burning sensation grew worse and worse

A cold wet nose landed on my cheek as a wolf gave a little whine

I shrinked away from the wolf and when I opened my eyes at its second whine, I saw my wolf staring back at me, her vivid violet eyes locking with mine as she stared into my soul.

I sat up quickly, as much as body would allow, and faced her

She whined again, her paw scraping the dirt beneath our feet

"Take me to the Pack House" I pleaded "They need my help"

She lowered her huge wolf head and I climbed on

"Thank you"

We got to the Pack House in no time and I climbed off my wolf before running into the house at the sound of a blood-curdling scream.

I ran up the stairs, my wolf following behind me to make sure we wouldn't get ambushed

When I was at the top of the third floor landing, the screaming intensified and there was shuffling coming from the attic.

"Damn attics" I hissed under my breath before making my way toward it

My wolf beat me to it though, smashing her huge body through the door and lunging at one of the attackers.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY SON YOU BASTARD!" Sky roared as she jumped on the back of a medium sized Wolf who was snarling at a extremely small wolf who was staggering on his feet.


The wolf tried to shake Sky off but she held on tight, gauging the wolf's eyes as he tried to shake her off.

"I'll kill you for touching my son!" Sky snarled, digging her fingers deeper into the wolf's eyes

Sky was readjusting her grip right when the wolf shook again and the force of the shake managed to send her flying across the attic space.

My Wolf killed the first attacker and was already fighting with the bastard that hurt Sky

"Sky!!" I hobbled toward her as fast as I could, narrowing missing the clashing of huge canines "SKYLAR!!"

She was unresponsive and wasn't moving but I nearly cried in relief when I felt her pulse skip underneath my fingertips.

She was still alive, just unconscious

A whimper came from the right of me and I snapped my head toward the sound.

Tristan was there looking at his mother with tears in his green little wolf eyes.

My heart broke at the sight of it and I nodded for him to hide behind a crate

"She's okay bud" I said softly, trying to carry Sky to where her son was hiding "Just sleeping right now"

I stood when I situated both mother and son and managed to throw a sheet on top of them to hide them from view.

It wouldn't stop the wolves from sniffing them out but it would sure buy me some time.

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