04 // The Thing in the Jungle

168 14 3

Covers season 1 episode 3; Tabula Rosa


As Bucky follows the rest of the group through the jungle back towards camp, he can't help but replay over in his mind what the French woman on the transmission had said; "it killed them all" "they're all dead".

He hates to think about what the hell had happened to her and the rest of her people. Not to mention that if she's still alive, then she's been stranded here for sixteen years.

And what else is out in the jungle besides polar bears. As much as he hates to think it, but there's got to be something else out there besides polar bears. He doubts that the bears are the ones knocking down the trees.

He's still at a loss on why the fuck there's polar bears on this island. As far as he's aware, they should be in the snow. And he can't see any snow here.

"It's getting dark." Boone says.

"Then pick up the pace." Sawyer says.

"Hick." Boone mutters.

Sawyer stops, turning to face Boone. "Little louder?"

Bucky moves to intervene if he has to, but thankfully there's no need to, as it doesn't appear that it'll lead to a fight between Sawyer and Boone breaking out. But just in case, he remains on edge, ready to break them up if it does.

"We should make camp." Sayid announces as they all stop in the middle of a small clearing.

"What, here?" Shannon asks.

"Yes, here." Sayid says.

Bucky looks around. They're in the middle of a clearing with no trees or anything for shelter. Not exactly the best spot to make camp for the night....

"Bit open don't you think?" He asks. "Doesn't really give us much protection from whatever's out in the jungle."

"If you're worried about what's out there, you can stand guard." Sayid says.

Sighing, Bucky nods. He doesn't quite like this plan of making camp out in the open when there's bears out in the jungle along with something else that they have no idea of. But he's willing to stand guard. Someone's got to after all, and he was going to stand guard either way.

"Well, I'm not stopping." Sawyer announces as he starts walking again. "Y'all have a nice cookout."

"Excellent, walk through the jungle in the dark." Sayid says.

"Oooo, afraid the trees are going to get us?" Sawyer asks, turning around to face the group.

Sayid shakes his head. "No, what is knocking down the trees will get you."

Sawyer huffs out a laugh, pulling the gun out of his pocket, waving it around a little. "Well, if you're so worried about me, how about you give me the clip back?"

"Put the gun back in your pants, Sawyer." Kate says. "Sayid's right, if you keep walking, you're not going to make it to the beach."

"Oh yeah? And why's that?" Sawyer asks.

"Trust me." Kate says.

Bucky notices the way Charlie looks away, and Kate shifts on her feet a little. And that's got him curious about what exactly they had seen out there when they went out to look for the cockpit.

"Bucky, Charlie." Sayid says. "You both go out and look for some firewood."

"Sure." Bucky nods, looking over towards Charlie. "Come on."

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