You Don't Need Me

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                          Fifteen Years.  For fifteen years the Devil and Radio Demon spent time together within Hell, whether enjoying performances on stage and the fun-filled nights that came with each day the two spent time together as friends did.  Being able to go five miles apart from the other, Lou was able to hide most of his tendencies from Alastor and throughout the time he was brought to the Radio Demon's home within the Eastern side of Hell deep within the swamps.  When Lou first entered he was almost assaulted by voodoo dolls that swarmed towards him, Alastor laughed and of course commanded them not too as Lou almost smacked the other for the scare.  He'd hate to have to reveal who he really was especially when things were going so well.  That was always on the Devil's mind, the day when the other would learn his secret and possibly hate him forever.  It was something Lou had often tried to speak with Alastor about concerning his hatred for the Devil and how he was only doing his job in making sure Hell had some bit of order.  The Radio Demon had laughed at the other until he got mad when it sounded as if Lou was defending the Devil, all in all, their relationship was a rocky one from the start.  When the years grew and the two were more comfortable with each other, Lou started becoming very touchy with the Radio Demon, nothing sexual or anything but caress here and there.  A word of affection although jokingly put, Lou never made a move on the Radio Demon however Alastor himself was starting to feel certain things towards the other.  Seeing him more open and enjoying the fun they had, talking about his human life and whatnot Lou learned all he could about Alastor.

                          Alastor had lived with his Mother and Father until he was fifteen, his Father was a drunk while his Mother was an Angel who took care of him through all the hard times they had in New Orleans.  One night his Mother had tried to run off with them only to have his Father gun her down in his fit of rage, upon seeing that Alastor had managed to get a kitchen knife and his first murder was his own father.  He was found like that by the Police who wrote it all as a double homicide and he got off scot-free.  As he lived his life and became the talk show host that he was Alastor continued his murdering when he found that he truly enjoyed the thrill of taking another's life, holding that within his hands and hearing the desperate cries for their lives made him feel all too alive.  When his friend the flapper girl found out about his hobbies he had to silence her as well and in doing so it wouldn't be long before he was hunted down within the swamps of New Orleans.  Hunted by dogs as they ripped him apart before a gunshot ended his own cries then waking up in Hell back in 1933 where he faced the Devil who almost ended his life a second time and almost for good.  Alastor would express his anger about that fact.  About how the Devil almost took everything from him without so much as a word, just didn't seem right, and that much was true.  Lou felt guilty for the first time in his long life when he thought of how easy it had been to just end another, they did it so often within Hell when it came to slaughtering other Demons but still.

                          The two were almost inseparable as time passed, at one point Lou had gotten a visit from one of his Demon Generals that was stationed to guard Lilith and his Daughter who were in hiding somewhere else in Hell.  The Palace to the north looked dark and deadly but also empty hence why many Demons didn't even know the Devil existed or what he looked like for it had been years since they lived at the Palace.  When his daughter was born he kept it a secret from all but a few, the Demon's name was Asmodeus and he would report to Lou every so often with how his family was doing.  Waiting on his word to return to the Palace when the Devil thought it was time but thinking about how he was still enjoying his time with Alastor he would push it off every time to go visit them.  He couldn't leave the other's side and with their Deal still in effect, Lou didn't much care to leave either.  However, he had no idea what was going on within the mind of the Radio Demon, Alastor had started acting distant.  He seemed to want space and would become irritated easily, he'd pass up on offers to hang out and although Alastor spent most of his time in his home it left Lou to hang out nearby within the swamps until one day they were sitting in his kitchen.  Lou was at the table watching the other make tea, he knew something was wrong but he didn't know how to help or fix it and as such he tapped his claw on the table as he felt the tension in the air.

Devil's Secret: An Alastor & Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now