things i wanted to say but didn't (2)

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have you ever let go of something? of someone? does it hurt? does it set a fire in your chest and your head suddenly has a gravitational pull then your stomach collides with a nauseating awakening? and you just can't control it?

or does it feel ..freeing? your thoughts weigh a lot less due to its new diet. you don't need to clean your glasses for your eyes to see clearly. you don't belong to anyone else anymore, you don't have to submit yourself to a thing anymore.. to a person. you can finally breathe, and relax, and laugh, and cry for a completely different reason.. even a good one?

or maybe, letting go means nothing. maybe it feels empty. like invisible outcomes, a grey outlook. an unfurnished house with nothing left but dust and old tunes of a time forgotten representing a metaphor for your brain and soul?

could it make you angry? screaming with the power of rage, tearing your throat to shreds with every exhale. throwing ashes of everything that burned out in your life at the wall. launching your fists and whatever is in eyesight while tears find their way down your face. all you see is red. and to you red is the only color you were comfortable in around them?

what if it makes you weak? mentally and physically, you are drained. everything corresponding with your bloodstream, your muscles, your thoughts has been taken for granted too long and is finally ..letting go. you begin to lack to see the point of moving from your bed, to eat, shower, socialize. almost as if it takes too much effort and want to even speak. only because it hurts to feel that there is zero purpose in doing anything, and to only slip into a dark place where being nothing is better than living a life with nothing?

or you feel like a new person? escaping a locked room of the past and adventuring the outdoors of a free path to happiness. shackles are gone, no restrictions, no limits, no consequences. just a new you that has yet to try everything again as who they are now and not who they used to be. yeah

maybe letting go just feels like... letting go.

or maybe i'm just really hungry.

oh whale.

-belle <\3

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