Chapter 15

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I woke up early in the morning, determined. I wasted too much time the past week cozying up to the Alpha. Even though I accomplished my goal of getting him to drop the three guards, I felt like the longer I stayed here, the weaker I got. My training was already screwed, and my body was beginning to pay the price for my laziness. What used to be an 8 pack was now rounding out to a 6 pack, and I could feel what used to be wiry muscles were now beginning to get softer. I needed to be in peak shape in order to have a chance of escaping.

So while the Alpha was sleeping, I quietly slid out of the bed and got dressed in a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. I had to roll the sleeves of the shirt up several times before my hands weren't swallowed by the cloth, and likewise with the sweatpants. As soon as I escaped, I would have to go buy more of my own clothes. Wearing the Alpha's clothes wasn't too much of a problem though, and I liked that they were big on me so the scars and bite marks on my body were not visible. It certainly did not conceal me as much as my cloak and mask, but it at least hid the majority of the issues with my body. Alpha Cain and Carter had already seen all of my facial and ear disfigurations anyways. Weirdly enough, my neck was devoid of any scars or bite marks, despite being the target of many assaults. As soon as it would be cut, it healed within minutes and left no scars, unlike the rest of my body. I wondered if I could find an explanation for that in one of the many books in the Alpha's library.

After I was dressed, I braided my hair in two long French braids down my back. Braids were quite useful in keeping my long hair out of my face while training, and I always wore them during battle, or if I anticipated needing to fight, which was often, since I always expected a fight.

I was surprised when I got out of the bathroom that the Alpha was still sleeping, even snoring lightly. His snoring was so obnoxious. If I wasn't playing nice, I would kick him in the shins to shut him up while I was trying to sleep.

I tiptoed out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind me, making sure to avoid the creaky floorboards that I had mentally been taking note of for the last week.

I went into a random empty guest room on the floor below the Alpha's room that I had scoped out the day before. Nobody was staying in the Pack House except for us, and this guest room had a huge empty space in the center of the room that was perfect for working out.

I began with stretches, and then did 1000 push ups, then 500 one handed push ups with each hand. Then, I went into a handstand, and did push ups while in the handstand, and began counting to one thousand again.

When I had counted to 346 and was lost in my workout, I was startled by a sudden voice. "I should have known this is what you left me so early to do."

I held my handstand for a couple seconds, and then went back on my feet with a sigh. Alpha Cain stared at me with a hard look in his eyes. He held out my cellphone, wanting me to take it so I could text him and explain myself.

I took the cellphone and texted him: How long have you been watching me?

"Long enough to know that you're very strong for a Gamma," He said, eyeing me curiously. I shrugged and typed out: My father came from a long line of Gammas and my mother was part of a Beta bloodline, although it was very distant.

"You don't ever talk about them," he mildly interrogated me, and I deadpanned,

Because they were killed by rogues before I could have any memory of them.

"Is that why you're obsessed with killing rogues?" he asked without hesitation. I raised an eyebrow. Who does he think he is, Sigmund Freud?

Without answering, I walked past him and out of the room, hearing him trailing closely behind me. Suddenly, my wrist was grabbed, and I was pulled into his chest. I ignored the sparks that ignited where our skin connected. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, looking up at him with my one good eye.

He put his face in my hair and inhaled deeply. "You smell like sweat, pup," he murmured. When I snorted in annoyance and struggled to release myself from his grip to go shower, he held on even tighter. "Its not a bad smell. It smells of pheromones. My wolf wants to mark you more than ever."

I went rigid at his words. He wouldn't mark me right here and now, would he? "Relax, pup. I said if you behaved I would wait two weeks, and I meant it. One more week and you're mine." I relaxed at his words. I would be gone by then.

"In the meantime, I want to take you on a date," He continued, looking into my eyes. His eyes were so dark I could nearly see my reflection in them. "Right now, actually. You can go get dressed in the clothes you wore when you got here. One of the maids washed them and left them in the closet, on the top shelf." I nodded, even though I had no desire to go on this date. I was only not putting up a protest so he wouldn't suspect that I planned on escaping.

He kissed my forehead and I winced at the contact. "Go get ready, mate. I have some stuff I have to go prepare." With that ominous statement, he quickly went downstairs.

I quickly showered, appreciating the feeling of the hot water on my muscles, which were already sore from my morning workout. I blow dried my hair so I wouldn't have to leave the house with a wet head, and got dressed in the outfit I wore the night it all began, way back at the Red Crescent Pack House. I put on the black leggings and black long sleeve shirt, enjoying how comforting the feeling of my old clothes were. They made me feel more like a person and less like a prisoner.

And a prisoner I am.

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