Thanksgiving dinner

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  Thanksgiving, a time for families to get together and celebrate an ancient North American holiday by stuffing their faces with turkey and arguing over politics over an unnecessarily elaborate dinner table. There I was, Cassandra Blossom, sitting at a table surrounded by all my relatives I only see once a year, staring at a half empty bottle of New World red wine, wondering why the hell do people put so much effort into old holidays and traditions. Buying the fanciest clothes, the fanciest wine, women hide their flaws with overpriced makeup, and men wear the most basic suits and tuxedos. All that to celebrate a holiday they don't really know much about other than it has something to do with Native Americans and turkey. My thoughts were interrupted by my father William and my uncle Charles arguing. They were arguing about my aunt Helena who recently got an abortion. My family is very conservative and traditional, and they don't believe in abortions."She's a murderer, I don't want her to step foot in my house ever again!" my father said angrily smacking his hand on the table. No one really knows why she got an abortion since the entire family basically cut her off without giving her a chance to explain herself. It's sad really, I always liked her but I wasn't allowed to say that anymore, since she's now an abomination according to my family. My mother was sitting next to my dad, looking quiet uncomfortable though she kept her calm, she didn't share much of the same opinions as my dad but she had learned to tolerate him and let him say what's on his mind even if she disagrees." I don't necessarily agree with what she's done either William, but treating her like a stranger is a bit far fetched" my uncle responded to my father. For about half an hour we all watched my father and my uncle arguing back and fourth, it never ended. I finished my meal and got up to go to the bathroom. It was the only place where it was quite in the entire house. As I was about to leave the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I shouted and I rushed to open the door before I can head to the bathroom. "Hi Cassandra, it's so good to see you", there she was, my cousin's girlfriend, Jasmine standing at the door."uhmm, may I come in?" She asked. "Y-yeah offcurse, hi!" I said with a nervous smile on my face. I don't know what it was about her, but I felt something towards her that I haven't felt towards anyone else before, maybe it was her cute smile, or her long black hair, or her dark brown eyes, I didn't really know. I just knew that whatever I was feeling wasn't right, she's a girl and I'm a girl, it's just not right

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