A freak

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  I was sitting alone in the bathroom on my phone while Jasmine and my cousin were chatting with my family at the dinner table, I could here her laugh and it killed me, I hated that I had a crush on her. I'm supposed to like guys, not girls. Girls who like girls are freaks, that's what my mother always says. She says it's a mental illness and it can be cured with enough prayer and faith in god. I got out of the bathroom and rushed to my room. I closed the door and locked it. Now here I was, sitting on my bed trying to convince myself I'm not a freak. "I probably just like her alot as a friend" I thought to myself. "I probably just am jealous of the way she looks, not attracted to her for it" I kept trying to convince myself that I'm not in love with her but I knew for sure I was. I could still hear her voice from downstairs, her soft sweet voice gave me a sense of arousal. I stuck my ear to the wall to be able to hear her clearer, I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying, her voice was hypnotic to me. I unbuckled my pants and reached my hand into my underwear. I gently started to rub my clit at the sound of her voice, then, I felt possessed, I started rubbing harder and faster as I moaned masking the sound of her voice. I was interrupted by someone knocking on my door. "Cassie, come downstairs desert is ready", it was my mom. "Alright, one second I'm changing my clothes!" I shouted at the door."Take your time sweety" she replied. I quickly grabbed some new clothes and changed into them, I couldn't waste a second to think about what I just did. I went downstairs and there they all were. I looked at Jasmine for a split second then quickly looked away, I felt too guilty about what I did. I sat down at the table across from my mother. "Mom, why are homosexuals freaks?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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