Chapter 27

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This chapter is also in Hunter's POV lmao. I dislike that we have had so many chapters that haven't been in Noah's POV but right now Hunter's POV is important so.

We will get back to Noah soon I promise :,)

(Hunter's POV)

A few hours pass since the end of dinner, and dad still hasn't come home yet. Mom tells me she has left him voicemails and texts before she realized he left his phone at home.

I was worried. I'm worried that dad doesn't accept me. What if he doesn't love me anymore? All because I am gay?

I also don't want him outside at night for that long. I trust my dad, and he can take care of himself, but I'm worried something could happen to him during the night.

"I'm here, if you want to talk." Noah says, turning onto his side so he can face me.

We've been laying in my bed for hours now, just sitting here and enjoying each other's company. I like moments like these, because I can sit here and think and have Noah beside me all at once.

"I'm just worried." I tell him, moving so I am also sitting on my side and facing him.

I sighed, and Noah laced our hands together.

"What does he think about me? Is he disgusted with me? Does he want me to move out? If he does will mom let him tell me that? Will I unwillingly be the cause of a divorce between them? What if-"

"Hunter, babe." Noah says, placing the hand that wasn't holding mine on my cheek, stopping me from speaking. "Don't overthink this right now, okay? This is scary for you. It's scary for me cause I'm worried about you." He says, caressing my face.

"Whatever happens, I'm here for you, okay? And so are Clara, Jason, and Brody. We will all make sure you are okay. No matter what happens." He places a kiss on my lips.

"Thank you. I love you." I smile at him.

He smiles. "I love you too."

I was about to say something else before I heard the faint sound of the front door opening and closing. I looked over to Noah and he looked over at me, and we both knew.

It was my dad.

I could hear voices, probably my mom talking to my dad. They weren't very loud, but I could tell mom's voice was louder than dad's.

The two of them talked briefly before I heard steps coming up our stairs. I looked over to Noah and he squeezed my hand reassuringly.

My bedroom door opened and there was my dad, looking as tired as ever. His whole body was screaming exhaustion and nervousness all at once. I kinda felt bad for him.

"Hey, son. Can I talk to you for a minute?" He said, looking at me calmly.

I looked over to Noah and he nodded his head, encouraging me to go. What could he want to talk to me about?

I slowly and carefully got off of my bed and approached my dad. He showed me a small smile and turned to Noah.

"He'll be back soon, I promise." He said, before leaving the room. I followed him, since I think that's what I'm supposed to be doing.

We walked down the stairs and to the living room, approaching the front door. Before we could leave though, mom stopped us.

"Jacob, what are you doing?" She asked, giving my father a stern look.

He looked guilty. "I'm sorry Serise, okay? We'll talk about it later. I just want to talk to him."

Mom looked from me to dad, and sighed. Finally she waved us off, sitting back on the couch reluctantly.

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