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Billie has been on the phone for the past hour, constantly answering and arguing with who I assume to be the people that are responsible of her show. From what I understand, they are trying to get someone to repair the elevator as soon as possible but it's harder than it seems. 

Apparently, as I had feared, a fan contacted the press and the medias spread the rumor, so now there are hundreds of people waiting outside to see her. As if it's not enough, her show is probably gonna get canceled.

« What do you mean there's a problem ? We have to be in fucking Spain tomorrow, we can't report the show of tonight ! Yeah well call me back when you know when a mechanic is finally gonna bring his ass here to fix the elevator, » Billie sighs, then ends another call.

She sits back next to me and just scrolls through her phone, typing something. To be honest, I get her frustration. I would give anything to just go home, watch some TV and fall asleep, far away from all this madness. 

My school has probably already called my parents to inform them that I'm not here, and knowing them they're freaking out since my phone is dead. I should probably ask Billie to borrow her phone, but for some reason it feels good to not be connected to life for a few moments.

« So, what were you doing in the subway of Paris anyway ? I mean, it's pretty obvious people were gonna recognize you. » I say to her, and she looks up from her phone.

« I'm not supposed to tell you. You know, it's a secret information that's only gonna be revealed to the public in a few weeks and all that shit. But honestly, we were thinking of making the next music video around here, » she answers, still distracted by new messages on the screen of her phone.

I rub my eyes, starting to get tired.

« Aren't you supposed to not tell anyone ? You know, since it's still secret ? »

« Yeah, but bro, if you tell anyone it's not like they're gonna believe you. If everything goes according to plan, they won't even know you were with me in this elevator. »

« Ah, and me who started to believe that you were trusting me and all, » I tease as I try to find a better position.

Lucky us, the elevator is spacious and clean because it has to be able to contain a lot of people, but the floor is still pretty hard. The artificial lights are too bright for me, that's why my eyes are constantly closing and I have to fight to keep them open.

I hear Billie laughing at my sentence.

« Yeah, well don't get your hopes up. Once we get out of here, you'll have to act like we never talked. »

« Oh poor me. You broke my heart, I always dreamt of breathing the same air as Billie fucking Eilish, or even talk to her. Why are you being so cruel ? » I joke, making her laugh even more.

« Dude, you have no idea, like most people are really like that. But I can understand them, once you find something that's dope, like really dope, you can't not be obsessed by it, you know what I'm sayin' ? It's just weird that it's about me, » she reveals with passion in her voice.

I look at her, and I can't help but wonder what it's really like to be where she is. Like, on the spotlight as they say. I wonder how she does it, how you can stay down to earth and not be depressed when you're a the center of so many people's attention. 

But as I'm telling myself all that, the pain of my hangover intensifies.

« Fuck, » I let out. « I swear to God I feel like my head is gonna explode. »

Falling by Accident // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now