14. Something's Brewing

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"The Kinlings are here." Cato says, and I swear that for a moment his eyes dart up to meet mine. "And they're demanding to see you."

My heart stops for a split second, before starting back up again in a tandem. I glance over at Max and Becky to see them tense up, Becky's hands clenching into fists.

"Do you know the purpose behind their sudden visit?" Malia asks, tapping one of her fingers thoughtfully on the arm of the lounge chair.

"No details have been received." Cato responds formally, and I almost want to roll my eyes at how over-the-top he's acting.

There's a moment of silence, a contemplative look on Malia's face.

"I will hold a meeting with them in ten minutes, but only with the High Commander and his council. The others may wait in the Reception Hall."

My head immediately jerks around to stare at Malia my jaw dropping at her words.

She's letting him in?

At that moment Malia's gaze meets mine and her expression turns sympathetic.

"I may not know the story between you two, "Malia says, referring to Zero and I, "But I know some details. News travels fast when you're living on an island. Don't worry. As long as you're in Lightling territory you have my full protection, but you might consider leaving soon before they get here."

"Thank you." I say, relieved to at least have some kind of head start, although some part of me actually wants to stay and see what the Kinlings want. Then an image of Zero's enraged face the last time I saw him and escaped from him flashes behind my eyes and I find myself quickly striding out the door, Max falling into step behind me while also dragging Becky behind him.

"Hey, let go of me." Becky growls, yanking her wrist from Max's when we get out into the hallway. "I wanted to stay and sucker punch that loser." She pouts. 

"That's exactly why I wouldn't let you stay. We may be under the Lightlings protection, but if you engage in physical violence against one of the Kinlings, there's nothing they can do if the Kinlings want retribution." Max counters, for once being the reasonable person. Becky seems to have the same thought process as me, because she doesn't reply for a while, before finally speaking.

"Is that the only reason?" She asks.

"Well yeah.....that and the fact that I'm the only one you should punch." Max almost whines at the end, and I'm in shock at the whole new level of masochistic Max has turned at the hands of Becky. 

"There's the Max I know and hate." Becky sighs, but she stays quiet for a few seconds after that, seeming almost content in a way.

"Say, Ashley. Do you know where we're going?" Max suddenly speaks up after a minute or two of more walking down hallways, taking random turns here and there.

"Not at all. I just thought that some distance is key in a situation like this." I reply in a light tone, trying to come off as calm and relaxed when really I was a storm on the inside.

"Not gonna argue with that." Max chuckles, seeming to take this all in stride. No wonder, since he's generally the laid back character out of all of us.

I look behind me and give Max a small smile that feels ore like a grimace, before turning back to face the front, just in time to see a glimpse of a shadow as it disappears around the corner ahead.

I freeze in my tracks, causing Max to bump into me, and then Becky to bump into Max like dominoes, Becky cursing as she stumbles back.

"What's the hold up?" Max asks, peering over my shoulder.

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