Chapter 19

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Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine.” Song of Songs 1:2

Doe's POV

“Where is Matthew?”

Carla grew impatient, questioning me for the seventh time. The real answer was that I didn't know, but my response remained the same.

“He's not here,” I repeated, “Day off, maybe.”

Matthew had left earlier that morning after fumbling in the room for hours. And I missed him.

He hadn't told me where he was escaping to, nor how long he'd be. That was probably the hardest pill to swallow, especially given that the fair was tomorrow. Naturally, I took his place fighting with the committee members.

Carla - of all - was in an extreme mood. She was either too aggressive or just unresponsive. The woman sent mixed signals and kept to herself for most of the morning. I knew that there was something wrong. No doubts.

That day was hotter than all the ones before it, the kitchen and dining place sweltering. Each one of us volunteers was facing an unusual day, being excused from our normal line of work to assist with the fundraiser.

I was seated, checking through an inventory list, when Isaiah approached me. After I stopped to fan myself, he stifled a laugh.

“It's not that bad,” he swung his leg over a chair, then something flashed in his eyes, “What do'ya think is up with my bro?”

I shrugged. He meant Matthew.

“What about The Boss?” he referred to Carla.

I shrugged again. Even in the heat, she sported her long sleeved tops and long pants. Quieter than usual, we concluded that she was just missing Matthew's snarky remarks.

“How's things, Roseline?” Hannah spoke up to me from across the table.

Her long, pretty hair was piled onto her head as she cut and stuck several materials together.

Isaiah smiled, looking on at her lovingly. The two had gone out about twice before, and were ready to go again.

“It's good...” I glanced between the both of them, then cleared my throat.

Everyone was hard at work on separate tasks, each which would tie into our final preparations.

I couldn't have believed Matthew's decision to be absent that day. Not with our huge event imminent. His plans would have had to be urgent, otherwise the choice was selfish. And that was saying the least.

And without my advice too? My level-headed, god-driven advice? God alone knew what could happen.

Isaiah finished writing up the list, throwing it onto the table proudly.

“Wow,” I nodded, unimpressed, “See I did the majority. Go help someone.”

I stood when I saw Carla alone. On my way to the sink, I glimpsed back to see Isaiah sliding into the space beside Hannah.


When I popped up beside Carla, who was getting a drink, she groaned.

Rude, rude, rude.

“Are you -”

“You know, I don't know why you feel the need to talk to me. Especially outside of what we're doing,” she scoffed, “Keep it professional... hasn't Matthew taught you anything?”

I scowled at her last few words.

“...Teach me?” I laughed, genuinely amused, “What can Matthew teach... me?”    

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