18. No Place For Love

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The sunlight penetrated through my closed eyes, waking me up from the heavenly sleep. It felt like I was cuddling with a warm bear and if it was upto me, I would never leave the bed. Sadly, I have a job to go to now.

Lazily, I opened my eyes and the very next moment, my mind started circling at the scene that unfolded in front of me. I was lying on top of Aaron Vincent, with his arms around me and my face hidden in his chest.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. My brain stopped working and all I could think was how I ended up in a bed with him. I remembered mildly how we took shelter in this place but the memories were blank after I had sit down on the bed to warm myself.

I couldn't even find the guts to look at his face because I feared he would somehow wake up and insult me for being on top of him.

Ew. It came out wrong.

I tried to slowly disentangle myself from him, although the feel of his bare skin against my body felt really great for some reason. He was warm and fluffy, which was quite unbelievable considering his hard muscles.

While I was pulling myself away, my movements woke him up and the next thing I know, he muttered a loud "Fuck" under his breath. He tried to jerk himself away but his movement unbalanced me and I fell back on his chest once again.

"Sorry." I whispered, looking into his eyes that contained a lot of frustration at our position. He hated me so much that my touch was unbearable for him and the sad part is, I knew it beforehand. I wished there was a way I could change the past but it's useless to even consider it.

We tried to move again when a loud voice boomed in the cabin and our heads jerked to the source. "Who the fuck are you?" a man in his forties, with salt and pepper hair and a long beard growled.

Aaron pushed me to a side and hopped out of the bed. "Who are you?" he asked, standing like a shield in front of me.

"Who am I? I am the fucking owner of this cabin." he seethe again and both Aaron and I exchanged a look.

"Look we are really sorry. But the weather was really dangerous last night and we needed a place to crash." Aaron told him gently but the frown on the man's face didn't loosen.

"Get out both of you." he motioned towards the door.

"But-" I tried to say but he cut me in between.

"I said just get the fuck out." he peeked through Aaron's side and threw a menacing glare towards me.

Before either of us could speak anything, Aaron gripped my hand and pulled me off the bed. "No need to be rude, man. We are going." he said to the man and led me to the outside, his fingers laced with mine.

After we were out of the door, the man shut the door with a loud boom that made me jump up in fright.

"Geez, what crawled up his ass and died?" Aaron said as he unlocked his car. He was still without shirt and his tanned skin glistened under the sunlight, forcing me to look away from the beautiful sight.

I pulled the hem of my shirt down, making sure it covered at least half of my legs. He opened the door to me and I set inside. Once he seated himself on the driver seat, he revved the engine and soon, we were on our way to my house.

The drive was pretty quiet, and somewhat awkward because of how we woke up glued to each other. I felt his eyes on me once or twice but when I tried to catch him, he would have averted his eyes away.

"Just right this corner." I said when my apartment grew closer and he nodded, turning towards the street where I lived.

"Do you live alone?" he asked, observing the exterior of our small yet comfortable apartment.

"No I have a roommate. Ava." I said and for a moment, something flashed in his eyes, something resembling surprise. But he dismissed it and turned his attention back to the front, waiting for me to leave.

"Bye." I said and when he didn't reply, I left the car and walked into my apartment. My instincts told me to turn around once, to see if he was looking at me but I kept my head straight until I reached inside.

I was about to turn towards my room in hushed steps when a voice stopped me. "Won't you tell me about the Greek God that you spent the night with?"

"Shit." I muttered under my breath and turned around, blushing under the calculative gaze of Ava.


Now changed into some less scandalous clothes, I was sitting in front of Ava while she was staring at me with narrowed eyes.

"The weather was really bad. And his car broke down. So we had to stay in a cabin." I told her as a smirk made its way to her face.

"And what's the name of this guy?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Aaron." I said and she chocked on some invisible food. She had to drink the water before she could continue her interrogation.

"Aaron Vincent?" she asked and I nodded. "Your Aaron Vincent?" she asked again, her voice tearing my eardrums apart.

My Aaron! It sounded so strange.

"Ava!" I scowled.

"He looks nothing like you described. Hell even his profile picture didn't show his tall height and masculine built when I was stalking him." she commented, pulling her mobile phone in her hands. She scrolled down her phone and seconds later, showed me one of his photos that she found on Google.

"Yep, it's him." I said . "Does it matter?" I continued, feeling a strange wave of jealousy at the admiration in her eyes.

"Well, he is really easy on the eyes so.."

"I know that he is just as beautiful inside as he is outside, but it doesn't matter anymore. Things between us are past the mending point." I said, rubbing my head which had started to ache.

"He despises me." I added, resting my head back on the couch.

"And you? What do you feel for him?" she asked in a serious voice, all hint of amusement evaporated.

I straightened up at her question and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. "I fell for a handsome face once. I don't plan on doing it again." I sighed, standing up to walk towards the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for me. I would text Amber and ask her to give me a day off. I hope she won't mind.

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