Chapter 1

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*Book 4 of The Alpha Series. Cannot be read as a standalone book. You must read 1. The Hybrid, 2. Kaden's Luna and 3. Asher's Beloved before this.*

Chapter One - Transformations

Amelia Reid's P.O.V.

I stand by the double doors that lead out to the patio, watching the scene in front of me. My brother, Nathaniel, is on the ground screaming and thrashing while my parents kneel beside him and do their best to keep him calm.

Nathan had turned sixteen a year ago but it turns out that he's a late bloomer. Dad had been noticing changes within him and knew he was going to be shifting any day now. Today is his seventeenth birthday and after his party, we had retired to our bedrooms when I woke up to the sound of my parents rushing about the house and my brother's screams and groans echoing in the quiet night.

"Amelia! Bring another wet towel, please!" I hear my mom shout, making me run to the kitchen and spray cold water onto what is probably the tenth towel.

I rush outside and hand it to my father, watching as he wipes the sweat off my brother's skin. We've been by his side for four hours and I can tell that he's exhausted. The full moon is at its highest and Nathan is currently undergoing a shift where he will transform into a werewolf, just like my Dad.

Another hour passes before his bones start to crack, making me wince at the horrid sounds. I want nothing more than to help him but I know I must let this happen. His cries of agony echo in the night, my mom wiping tears from his eyes while my father coaxes him through the gruesome process.

After a full hour, Nathan finally shifts into his ash colored wolf. His dark brown eyes are wide awake as he takes in his surroundings. He struggles to stand at first but eventually gets the hang of it, legs shaking slightly as he moves forward. My parents smile and run their fingers through his fur, praising and congratulating him.

When he's a lot steadier on his feet, his eyes meet mine and he immediately trots over. Nathan comes up to my shoulder in height, his head bumping mine before he licks my cheek. I chuckle softly, patting his head as he whines lowly before staring at me with saddened eyes.

"I'm okay." I smile, glancing at his fur longingly. "I'm really happy for you, don't doubt that."

He shuffles his feet and nods his big head, making me laugh at how comical it is. Pressing a kiss to his head, I nod at my Dad who has shifted into his wolf too. "Go run with him, I know you want to. Tell me all about it when I see you tomorrow, don't forget your promise."

He seeks out my palm and licks it, almost like he's telling me that he won't forget. I smile as he turns and joins my Dad, watching the two grey wolves bound off into the forest for a run that I'm sure will tire them out.

Mom walks over and wraps her arm around my shoulders, tucking me into her side. "It's okay, sweetheart. Humans are better than werewolves anyways."

I giggle, kissing her cheek. "You keep telling yourself that, Mom."

"It's true! They're just a bunch of smelly dogs." She argues, her nose scrunched in distaste.

"Don't let Dad hear you." I sing, squealing as I dodge a smack to my arm.

"You won't tell him either." She states in a warning tone, making me hold up my hands in a surrendering motion.

"Cross my heart." I smile when she rolls her pretty, brown eyes in amusement.

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