the Girl

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Two weeks of continuous building sweeps and endless reports lead to my single day off. So I do the most logical thing there is - head out straight to the peculiar house with the mysterious G390 girl. I find some bread, apples, and cheese in the kitchen, and then take a few bottles of water. I also hunt some medicine and bandages from the nurse cabinet and sneak out of the base unnoticed.

It is ridiculously early in the morning. And the warm air is still filled with moist and a rich smell of grass. It calms my nerves a bit.

My mind tries to make sense of yesterday's events. What were the two Karmian girls doing in that house? Yes, there are always several people who stay, after the civilians abandon the Karmian cities. They do not mind flipping sides and helping us in minor things. The Karmians call them traitors. They do not go against their country, per se. The decision to remain in their homes, to my mind, is not a crime.

Those girls did not stay in their house.

Was the green-eyed girl a soldier? It is odd though to find her wounded anywhere near Rotberry. The town was captured quite some time ago, and why anyone would have such battle injuries I cannot fathom?

The air in Karm must be filled with something poisonous for the Drellians. Otherwise, I have no explanation for what I am about to do.

My footsteps echo loudly in the complete silence of the abandoned town. I run fast but slow down once I approach the house. Everything is still, the silent building is bathing in the heat of another Southern morning. Entering through the front door, I take out my gun as a precaution.

I start strolling in the direction of the storage room. The trunks on the floor, the carpets, the furniture but the door stands ajar with no one inside. The muffled sounds come from upstairs, and I head in the direction of the noise. The sun is almost up, and it is easy to see now. Quickly climbing the stairs, I turn the knob to one of the rooms.

Vibrant colors assault my vision as I enter. An enormous red carpet with intricate flower ornament on the floor, heavy burgundy curtains completely shutting the light from the windows, a king-sized mahogany bed in the center of the room. And there is also that potent smell of blood and alcohol. I hesitate for an instant, reluctant to step into a different reality. The world of metal, blood, and pain.

As I take several steps into the place, I spot the G390 girl lying in bed, her eyes closed. She is freakishly pale. Dead? The same seven-year-old girl stands frozen near the bed. Her eyes become larger from panic as I draw near. On the other side is a little boy, five or six, lost and frightened.

I put my hands up and say in Karmian,

'Hello. My name is Oden. I mean no harm. I am here to help.'

The relief on the girl's face tells me I managed to convey the message. But her trust is a surprise.

'What is your name?'

I ask to put her at ease. I already know the name.

'Cordelia,' says the girl staring at me with her lamb eyes. She shifts from one foot to the other nervously, clutching her hands together.

'Well, Cordelia, I need your help. Could you bring me towels and a large bowl of water?'

I stare directly into her eyes, making sure she understands me. She blinks once, then walks out of the room.

Fantastic reaction.

Now, I pray she understood me. Otherwise, I will spend an eternity locating the bathroom and all the necessary supplies. These houses are built to trap people. You will not live happily in a building when you never know where a bathroom is. Me? There is a high chance I would pee my pants venturing in search of the dumper.

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