Not an update (skip if you want)

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Hey! So this isn't really an update but I wanted to talk to you guys about something.. Don't worry it has nothing to do with this book or anything related to it, I'm still gonna be updating :) I just wanted to talk to you guys about something a bit more personal, so feel free to skip if you'd like, a new part will be up today 😊

So I'm currently on summer break from school, and I go back in less than a week..(unfortunately 😑) But this year is going to be way different than all of my other years of school because I am attending something that I have dreaded my whole life...High School 😭

Yep, I am officially going into ninth grade this year, and I am extremely nervous. It may not seem scary to some of you who may already be in highschool, but for me it gives me anxiety just to think about it.

The main reason why I'm extremely nervous is because none of my friends are attending the same high school as me accept for one, and we only have ONE FRICKEN CLASS TOGETHER 😭 I know I sound kinda whiny, but I wish we could at least have the same lunch together... Another reason is, I'm extremely shy irl...So making friends for me is very hard considering nobody really talks to me ;D And also, if I need help or something I'm way to shy to just go up to someone and ask for their assistance. Also, I'm completely new to this school, so finding my classes and locker is going to be a struggle as it is.

I don't know anymore...I may just be overthinking this whole situation and I could probably go on for hours about all of the reasons why I'm scared of high school 😭 But this chapter is long enough and most of you won't care anyways. But if you are in highschool and have some advice or something feel free to comment it for noobs like me ;D And if you read all the way through then thanks for reading! A new part will be up today! Anyways, bye luvs! <3

(Also sorry for any bad grammar ;D)

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