30. W A T C H D U T Y

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Bonus chapter! JazakAllah khair and thank you Stormers for 50k reads! You are all AMAZING! Trust me I read every single comment and message, even if I don't reply to all of them! I love how you wait for updates even though u am inconsistent. It means a lot ❤️ I am quite tied up in work but I really wanted to thank you all, so I thought I'd publish this piece I had written. It is a cute little interlude with Falaq and Hudayfa on their travels. I would actually like to do more of these whilst I am busy and return to the plot when I have time! Let me know what you think. Our next milestone is 100k! Lets get their even faster this time!!

One of the most unpleasant experiences known to mankind is being roughly awoken from deep and peaceful slumber. Falaq had experienced it countless times - whether it was Ali or Zain or an impatient Ishtar - they were all met with the same fuming expression and bloodshot eyes, followed by raised voices and then a miserable half hour as Falaq ate her breakfast as her eyes drooped.

She couldn't help it! She was a deep sleeper. At any point, at any time, sleep always came easy to Falaq.

But to be awoken by an assassin? That was slightly more unpleasant.

"What" groaned Falaq as the prodding on her shoulder finally brought her back to the land of the living.

"Wake up" Nuh's voice filled her ears.

With a deep breath to dissuade her from strangling the queer assassin, Falaq opened her eyes.

Nuh was standing a modest distance away, prodding her with the sheath of his sword. As though she were some distasteful thing he preferred to keep his distance from. Closing her hand around it, Falaq stopped the prodding, glaring daggers at him.

"Nuh" she said in earning, "dawn is not near, I just managed to fall asleep - and now you-"

"It is your turn" Nuh cut her off easily. A small smirk played on his lips, causing Falaq to squint at him incredulously.

"Excuse me?"

"To take watch"

"Nuh" Falaq rubbed her eyes in exasperation, "we have been traveling together for several moons now and you never requested this from me"

Nuh chuckled, "who said I am requesting anything?"

Falaq propped herself up with a groan. Her head was already beginning to throb.

"This is all his doing, isn't it" she muttered, mustering all will to get up on her feet.

"My master believes you should pull your weight" Nuh answered.

Glancing at him, Falaq realised this was the closest she had seen the expressionless man to gleeful. She cracked her knuckles - this was surely Nuh's suggestion.

"How long" she growled.

"Well" Nuh glanced at the sleeping form of Hudayfa, whose face was hidden under his covers, "I served my due, and you shall serve yours until you have the courage to awaken his Highness for his term"

"You-!" Falaq whisper-shouted, "I have the courage!"

Nuh shrugged, and Falaq could tel he was fighting hard not to laugh. What was this torturous game the two were playing? She seriously considered making a fuss, but the two seemed to have built some kind of armour against her temper, coolly waiting for her to comply to their outrageous demands. First hunting, and now this? It was utter madness. 


The sky was marvellously clear above the small clearing. Thousands and thousands of stars twinkled above Falaq's head, awe-inspiring. Her eyes were wide open, glassy with the reflection. She had never appreciated the depths of the night like this before. Even though fatigue creeped up her spine, she remained vigilant. Inside her was a desperate flame wanting to prove itself to everyone and everything. A challenge was a challenge, and Falaq never lost. 

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