Barging In

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The sun was just beginning to peak past the blinds. Though my room was still rather dark. My head was resting on Bryce's chest as it slowly rose with every breath, while his arms were wrapped around my waist. We had talked for nearly 3 hours last night as I relived my favorite memories of my dad. That was the closes thing to meeting my dad, that Bryce will ever get. Somewhere around 4 in the morning, I started to drift off in the middle of a story. I yawned, and my speech became slurred with the sleepiness that was taking over me. The last thing I remember was Bryce whispering "You can fall asleep. We can talk more about him in the morning." and then he kissed my forehead.

Now it was nearly 7:30.  And I was alone with my thoughts. I couldn't help but admire the fact that Bryce had let me babble on last night like some delirious nutcase. He could have been like, "Summer, it's 1 in the morning, can we talk about this some other time?" But no, he sat there and listened, and was just there for me. He always is. This man was wonderful in ever aspect of the word. He is my other half. Without him, I don't know what I would do.  He's just so amazing. And he's all mine. It's almost unreal.

I reached up and lightly touch his face, just to make sure he's real and not a mere figment of my imagination. My fingers lightly brushed against his warm cheek. My finger's began to slowly reach up and brush a few strands of hair out of his face. My hand slid down and rested on his cheek. He looked so handsome. Like a sleep prince. Like a role reversal of sleeping beauty. But sleeping handsome. Hmmm, it could work. Maybe I should copyright that and make a movie or something and become rich. Then Bryce and I could live in a mansion... Wow, I get carried away some times.

I unwrapped his arms and got out of bed. Stretching, I slowly walked over to the mirror. As soon as I saw my reflection, I nearly dropped dead. My hair was in knots, and literally looked like a rats nest. My face looked gross without makeup. Usually I wasn't this upset with my own reflection in the morning, but my boyfriend- I mean, fiancé, is over there in bed looking like a freaking god, while I look like the bride of Frankenstein who got it with the ugly stick one too many times. Jeeesh, I can only imagine how horrendous I looked  a couple hours ago.

I quickly searched for my brush in the dim light. Quickly and painfully, I brushed every knot out of my hair. I rushed to find some foundation and some eyeliner or something. In my panicked search I didn't even realize Bryce had gotten out of bed until his strong arms wrapped around my waist. I nearly jumped out of my skin when he did.

"Why are you doing that?" he asked, his voice still raspy as he was trying fully wake up.

"What?" I asked, as I gripped a bottle of foundation in one hand and eyeliner in the other. In fact I was gripping the bottle so hard that my knuckles were turning white. I felt like I just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

"You look beautiful without all that stuff on." he said, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I nearly snorted, "You're just saying that because you have to."

"I don't have to say anything. I'm being completely honest. You're the most beautiful woman who's ever walked the earth. And you just hide it when you put that stuff on." he explained.

I couldn't resist the blush that snuck up and made itself known on my cheeks.  Turning around I wrapped my arms around his neck. "My, my you do know how to make a woman blush."

A cocky grin spread across Bryce's face. "I know how to make you blush. After years of practice." placed a trail of kisses down my neck and across my collar bone, sending shivers down my spine.

"Well, well, well, wouldn't mother just love to know this." I heard someone say.

I jumped out of Bryce's arms and shrieked at the figure standing in my door way.

"I'm sorry Summer! He just barged in!" Brit quickly said.

Dylan stood in the door way of my bedroom smirking at Bryce and I. That's when I realized how bad this looked. I was wearing his T-Shirt, and a pair of underwear. No bottoms. And Bryce was shirtless and wore  a pair of loose sweat pants that hung dangerously low on his waist. And when he walked in... Yeah, this was not a good situation.

"Wouldn't mom love to hear how you slept with her before marriage." Dylan said sarcasticly. His devious stare left Bryce and was turned onto me. His hungry eyes raked up and down my body, like he was undressing me with his stare. I tried to pull the shirt down, begging it to grow longer to cover my legs.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Bryce nearly growled, his body was tense, and I could see his hands clench into tight fists.

"Oh, I was just looking for my little bro who wasn't in bed this morning when I woke up this morning. Mom said something yesterday about your girlfriend living here, so I'd thought I'd check here. Only to find my bro getting ready to fuck this beautiful little flower."  Dylan said, leaning against the doorframe. My first turned bright red. I was so unbelievably embarrassed.

"Who gave you the right to just barge into her house! Hell, why did you barge into her room! For fuck sakes Dylan, she could have been fucking undressing!"

Dylan smirked, "That would have been quite the show."

That was the straw that broke the camels back.

Bryce lunged at Dylan. Brit and I both let out a scream as they crashed into my desk, sending picture frames, binders, and an assortment of pens and pencils all over my floor. Bryce and Dylan rolled around on the floor throwing punches at each other.

"STOP IT!" I yelled, trying to pull Bryce off of his brother. Brit was opposite of me and was trying, not so delicately, to pull Dylan off Bryce.

"BRYCE!" I yelled, yanking him off his brother. Before he could lunge at him I got in between them placing my hands on Bryce's chest. "Stop this now!" I demanded. Bryce looked down at me, his eyes full of rage. His lip was bleeding, but it looked like Dylan had gotten the worst of it. His nose was bleeding, and his left eye was swollen.

Bryce took a deep breath. "Dylan, get out!"

That cocky grin returned to Dylan's face, as he held up his hands in surrender. "Alright. I'll let you get back to you're business."
He started to walk out of my when he turned around and said one last thing, "Oh, and Summer. My offer still stands." With that Dylan walked down the stairs and out the door. When I heard the door slam, I let my forehead rest against his chest let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

"Well, that was defiantly an interesting start to my morning."  Brit said, as she walked out of my room.

I looked at the mess they created in my room. There were several frames that now laid broken on my floor. There were binders and papers scattered everywhere.

"Summer, what the hell is this offer that Dylan was talking about?"


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