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Just darkness.

That's all your mind could have during the hours of sleep. Just like the movement of clouds, voices started. Screams, talking, sheep were everywhere. The sharp pitch sounds of dogs barking in a patterned sync.

Panic banged your heart hearing it all. Small fragments of memories scanned your mind. Officers bursting into a barn to witness the heard of sheep circling around. They were in panic mode.

The person standing in the center who slowly turned to look at the officers as they lowered their weapons in shock.

Sun shined through an open window. You'd always forget to shut the blinds. Well, it's not that you forget. You just don't want to admit you like having them open during the night.

Rubbing your fingers against your eyes feeling restless, useless. No meaning or reason for getting up. Just slowly allowing yourself to rot away.

Looking at the window that allowed the sun to enter. The lines of the blinds shadowed some of you. Stripes that looked like prison bars. Just perfect.

Even the mornings mock you.

Heading down the side to start your work at the coffee shop you left yesterday. The sound of the black bag made you stop. Looking forward you saw the stretched out black plastic bag moving with the wind.

You've forgotten about last night.

Why would you forget something like that? Shouldn't it bother you at least a bit?


"It's an interesting bag, isn't it?" A man standing beside you watched the plastic bag move around. Looking over to the man you didn't really pay much attention toward him.

"Guess so." You respond. For some reason you struggled to walk forward. You were focused on the bag that hid you from the creature of the night.

"What's bothering you?" The man kept his eyes on you. "I don't know." You respond with a dry tone. Almost as if you were just dead inside.

Are you terrified of the bag? Or are you terrified of having to walk past that same alley? All that made you feel safe was your pocket knife.

Your pocket knife!

Rushing over to the bag you lifted it up seeing it still laying there. The blade sticking out from the mud.

"Did you find something?" The man stands behind you. His eyes seemed fixed down on you as you cleaned your knife.

"Yes." You respond.

The man hummed as he looked around for anyone paying attention. Slowly reaching out toward you, black thick slime made its way from his arm down to his hand.

Looking forward you stood up while pushing yourself up forward. You felt something touch your back as you glared at him from over your shoulder. The man tilted his head gulping.

Holding the handle of your knife you were patient for any movements of his. But he seemed to be a bit frozen in place. Perhaps because people were starting to appear. Whatever his reason of stopping whatever he was going to do.

You weren't going to give him your time. Folding the blade back in place you slid it into your pocket as you walked away. The man stood for a while letting you get some distance from him until he started to follow you.

Just some normal hours of being a waitress. You actually enjoy your job. Cleaning keeps your mind off of things. Manager is very supportive of you, but he doesn't trust you around the kitchen. It's understandable. Who would trust someone with a criminal record like yours.

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